Chapter 2: Thats how me met pt.2

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But then... I felt a hand grabbed mine....

I startled for a moment while looking at my hand, i lifted up my head and see who held my hand, it was Jimin.
I mouthed to him "why? Whats wrong?" "What is this?" He mouthed back, i just smiled and let go of his hand. I get off the stage and turned back to my seat. As you walked to your seat, you can feel his gaze following you but you ignored it pretend like you didn't know.

"whats wrong with jimin? He doesnt want to accept your bracelet?" Your sister jiyoung said and give a little laugh. You shakes your head "no, i think he's just shock, its probably the first time a fan girl put on a bracelet on him that fast during a high five session" you laughed.

An hour later, the high five session has ended, and the show started. They sang 'No more dream' as the opening. As always, as a fan girl, you cheered and screamed their name out every single action they did.

You enjoyed their performances as any other ARMY, but then its the turn for them to sing "Miss right". It was Jimin's part, as you paying attention to him, he caught your eyes, he saw you standing there beside your sister, holding your bomb light-stick while cheering. He walked closer to you still locking his eyes on yours, the other ARMY beside you going wild as you heard them screaming like crazy.
He held his hand out for you to grab, but youre too shocked to take an action, he held yours first and pulling you closer, as your ear was so close to his lips "You shocked me. But thank you, i really love it. I'll use it every day" he whispered and pull away from you putting a smile on his face, then back to the center stage with the rest of the members.

You stared blankly at him, didn't know what to do, didn't know how to act, what you know was time has stopped.

As you stared at him blankly for a few minutes you felt someone is shaking your arm "HEY! Bitch! What are you staring at! I know that your happy!!! But pay attention to the show!" Your sister yelled at you with a big grinned on her. "What? What just happened ? Omg, i think im gonna die" you leaned on your sister in disbelief "did he just pulled me and whispered on MY ear?" You looked at her "did he?? OMG!!!!!!" You felt your knees getting weaker. You messed your hair up with a smile from ear to ear. "Geez ! Omg! I cannot! Omg!!" You screamed still messing up your hair 😂


As I go back to the center stage with the rest of the member, i saw her messing her hair up while smiling from ear to ear "That is so cute" i whispered while smiling.

I was so shocked when she put on a bracelet on me that fast during a high five, how could someone do that? *laugh

Taehyung a.k.a V saw me smiling, "whats with you and her? You know her?" he asked while poking my arm "nothing. See this?" I held my wrist up showing the yellow bracelet she gave me "wah, that is cool. Where did you get it? Our coodi doesnt have one on us to use right?" He asked while looking at it, i nodded "yep, she put it ON ME during the high five session "WHAT?! How?" He asked with widened eyes, and i just move my shoulder up and down.


Everything went so fast, the show has ended and everyone exiting the venue "wait, i want to go to the toilet" you said to your sister. You saw people waiting in line as you got there "just wait outside first till they all go out" you sister said and you nodded.

You wait around 20 minutes then turn back to the toilet "WTF!! Why ? Why is it locked ? Noo! Im dying here! Where is the genitor man?" You looked around for the genitor, and you saw a security "excuse me sir, i want to go to the toiler but its locked, and its an emergency" you said "we're sorry its time for this part of the building to close, so were also locking the toilet" "what? There is such thing? Omg, and what should i do? Its a pretty long journey from this place to my home" "here" the security lead you to the back stage's toilet "you can use this toilet, its not closed yet" the security bowed and left you. You bowed back. "Jiyoung-a you can go back to the car and wait me there, i'll be fast" "okay" she said and left you alone there back to the car. You entered the toilet and do your business.

You exit the toilet and on your way to your sister then you bumped to someone and you fell on your butt "OMG!" You screamed because your butt hurt "i'm sorry i'm so so sorry!! Are you okay?" That person shouted in panic and helping you to get up. You nodded "i'm okay" you held your butt and lift your head up to see who bumped you, you widened your eyes and immediately look at the ground and bowed "i'm sorry Jimin oppa" "No! I'm the one that sorry! Oh....... Wait,, Your that girl!" As he examined your face thats getting redder and redder "i'm so sorry, are you okay?" He asked again "yeah i'm okay. Im sorry i bumped you. Then, excuse me oppa" you blushed, bowed then when your about to leave he grabbed your hand again.

"Whats your name?" He asked, i looked up at him in confuse "yes?" "What is your name?" He asked again with a smile "oh,, yeah, my name is (Y/N)" i smiled back. "(Y/N)" he mumbled "you really did shocked me back then, how can you do such thing? Your a ninja?" He asked with widened eyes , you laughed "noo~ i'm not, i was practicing the whole week to do this with my sister just to give you that bracelet" "why dont you just give it to the present corner?" He asked "no, i dont want to. What if it doesnt reach you? What if its lost? I cant afford losing the present i want to give to you right? I dont wanna gamble, thats why.. I did that" your getting shy as you speak and your face turned red again. "Jimin-a? What are you doing? Lets go! We have to go" his manager shouted "YES!" He shouted back "its really nice to know you (Y/N), hope we'll meet again.." He stopped for awhile "no, we have to. Can i have your number?" He asked while smiling "what? My number?" I startled in shock "yes! Give me your phone" like he put magic on you, you give out phone then he typed his number "here. I'll call you!" He gave back my phone then run off to his manager. I look at my phone's call log and see his name 'jiminnie~❤️💕' i smiled as big as i can "OH MY GAAAAAWDD!!! IS THIS EVEN REAL!!!! WTF!!" I ran to my sister "HEYY!!! YOU BITCH OVER THERE!!! GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" I yelled as i got into the car "YOU DONT YELLED AT ME LIKE THAT BITCH!" She yelled back "shut up!! You see that?!" I showed my phone to her "NO SHIT!" She took it off my hand and click on the name, she saw his number "how did you get this?!!" I just laughed and told her what happened. "Youre such a lucky bitch! What did you dream last night?!" She smiled, as big as i am.

Thats... How it all started....


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