Chapter 7: thank you

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"what does love mean anyway? Fucking random girls just because they tempt you? Is that what you called love? If he really does love me, why cant he fight his own 'man instinct'? He can actually do that if he's sincere about his feeling towards me. What can he do if he finds out i'm pregnant anyway? Will he marry me? Leaving all of his fans, leaving all of his carrier as an artist and starts again from the beginning? No? You wont think that your fans wouldnt leave if you get married arent you? He cant do shit!"

I run to the bathroom and cry "oh god, why you do this to me, i dont want any of this, but i just cant. Why cant i be real for myself?" I said in my crying.

----SUGA's POV----

She ran to the bathroom and lock it. I can hear her crying and keep saying thing but i couldnt hear her clearly. I approach the bathroom and stand in from of it. "...why cant i be honest to myself? I do love him, but i cant make him to do things that will disadvantage him..right?" She sob. I knock the door slowly "...(y/n)-a..." "Go, i wanna be alone" she said still sobbing. "I get it. I....promise not to tell him, please, if you need something, just call me, okay?" "Yes"

As im about to go out, i heard a loud bang from the bathroom. I run to the bathroom, jhope and rapmon follow me, i knock the door "(y/n)!!!! What happen?? Are you ok???!!" I shout but no answer. I break in with rapmon's help, i see her there, lying on the floor, pale. I lift her up and take her to our car. And drive to the hospital.

"How is she doing doc?" I ask the doctor, worried. "You are the husband?" "Hm...." I couldnt answer his answer, "is she getting a lot of stress lately?" He ask again "Yes" "Well, here's the thing, both of them are fine, she's been pregnant for about 3-4 weeks now, the condition of the baby is not that good, its really sensitive, and i can see that she's been getting alot of stress from the check up earlier, so it's been making the baby's condition got even worse, actually she almost lost her baby but we manage to safe it. So i suggest that, she should get a break from her work for couple of month until her pregnancy reAch its third month, and keep her away from over thinking or anything that can lead to stress." He said and bow his head then leave. Leaving the three of us outside her room. We get in and still see her sleeping.

"Hyung..." Rapmon said "what should we do.." Rapmon grab her hair "i dont know namjoon-a, i dont know what to do too. I want to tell jimin everything but she doesnt want it and promised her. Everything she said... Is true right? This not a world where everyone accept reality" i said and sit on the chair beside her bed. Jhope and rapmon sit too. "That stupid asshole, why does he have to mess everything up? They were so happy before. And because of that bitch, everything got destroyed. 'Man instinct'? What the fuck is that!" I said while messing my hair mad.

"Hyung i'm confused, why is she this mad? I mean, i know what he did was wrong but he apologize and promise that he wont ever do the same mistake ever again. But whe does she insist not to accept him anymore?" Jhope asked frustrated. I look at jhope and rapmon, "we cant ever understand how she feels, but think it in a simple way, you have a girlfriend, but you caught them fuckin another man, could you accept her apology that easy? Beside, it's getting worse as she find herself pregnant, right? She must be feeling super sensitive now" i said turning to her again.

"Ah." I hear she makes some sound and see her opening her eyes slowly "(y/n)-a.." I said "oppa, where is this?" "You're in a hospital, you fainted when you were inside the bathroom? and i brought you here" she's trying to sit but i hold her shoulder "dont get up, you should rest a lil bit more" "i'll go get something to drink with rapmonnie" jhope and said and they get out from the room.


----READER's POV----

I open my eyes and see suga, jhope and rapmonnie oppa standing there beside me. Suga oppa told me what happen then i tried to sit down but he doesnt let me . I lay down while closing my eyes, "oppa, how's the baby?" I ask still closing my eyes, "the baby is alright, but the doctor said that its a little bit sensitive, so you should rest a lot, he suggested that you should take a bit of break from your work until it reach a stable stage, around the third or fourth month of pregnancy, you also have to stay away from all the things that stressed you out." he explains then i nod my head a lil bit "i get it", jhope and rapmon return to room. "Hyung, we need to go back, manager hyung just called us, we have to go to out next schedule" jhope said to suga, i open my eyes then look at him, "you can go, i'm fine" i smile a bit "okay then, i'll get back here when we finish" he lay his hand on my head and stroke my hair. "고마워" .

They get out from my room, i close my eyes again then fall asleep.

----JHOPE's POV----

Before go out from her room, i heard suga hyung saying that he will be back here after we finish out schedule and lay his hnd on (y/n)'s head and see her warmly.

As we go out, i'm so curious about his feeling towards (y/n) so i ask "hyung.. Do you like (y/n)?" He turn to see me and smile "no, i dont like her, i love her, not as a women, as a sister. She's just as precious as a sister to me" he said while smiling at me "why?" I ask again "i just feel like it, i feel like she's my sister. I think she was my sister on previous life" he laugh.

Well, looking at how he treated (y/n) its true. Good for her. I smile.


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