Chapter 4: Its over

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Its been a week since the last time you talk to Jimin, you got tons of messages and calls from him but you never reply.

As you staring out the window while crying you heard someone knocking the door. You get up from your sit and open it, you see Jimin there standing. When i'm about to close the door he grabbed the door and open it "please (y/n) i'm really sory, i know what i did is wrong, but.." Before he finishes his speech i interrupt "stop, its over between us" looking at his eyes.

----JIMIN's POV----
I see her open the door, her eyes were red and puffy, i can see her shes losing lots of weight, has she been eating well? i know she was crying.

"stop, its over between us" i couldnt believe what i just heard, it feels like daggers just stabbed my heart and break it into pieces."(Y/n)-a....." I held my hand out to reach her cheek, but she moves her head away a bit. "(y/n) sorry..." I said lowering my head.. "promise i wont make the same mistakes ever again, i promise, please......dont leave me", she looks at me with her puffy and teary eyes, she shakes her head slightly and i see tears fell on her cheeks.

I cant see it any longer, i pull her to me and hug her tight. "i'm really sorry i hurt you (y/n)-a i really am sorry" my voice starts to crack, i cry. I can feel she hold the shirt on my waist and i hold her tight. She starts to burst out.


I burst out to tears as he hold me, i pull myself from him a bit to look at him "we can start over (y/n)" he said caressing my cheek, i shake my head slowly and move away from him "no. I cant. My heart really did broke. I'm afraid that you will do the same thing again in the future. And....and...." I grab my hair in frustration "how can i live, and still in a relationship with a person that....fuck another girl in front of his girlfriend and act like nothing happened?!!" I yelled and fell on the ground again, crying.
"Just leave jimin-a, please, leave" i looked at him sad.

I can see him cry, his frustrated face, he walk out the door. "I still love you Jimin, but i'm not ready to get my heart broken again in the future. The feeling, it hurt, worse than dying" you speak quietly. 

The day passed, you lay on your bed staring at the ceiling in the darkness, you cant control your tears, it keeps going down.
You heard your phone rang, "(y/n)-a where are you? Are you okay? Its been a week since the last time you got to work. Have you been well? Did you eat well? I heard that Jimin came to your apartment, is there something happened? Because Jimin keeps skipping the practices. What really happened? If you need someone to talk to, i'm here. -Suga" suga texted. Reading his message making me cry even harder "no, its hurting, it really hurt, i cant take it. I want to be his life again, but, at the same time i dont want to, what should i do?" i cried out. As i cry out i felt like choking again and about to throw up, i ran to the bathroom and throw up.


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