Chapter 3: .... Why?....

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---- 2 years later ----

"(Y/N) could you please take this clothes to the wardrobe room" "yes!" . You work as BTS's stylist, as an assistant of the stylist to be exact. You quit your college a year after you date Jimin.


" (Y/N) would you be my girlfriend?" Jimin asked with a box of diamond ring on his hand, you cried out of happiness and said "YES!" You hugged him as tight as you can. He pulled you slowly then land his lips on yours kissing you gently, feeling his love.

-a year after-

You ran to his dorm and knocked his door "JIMINNIEE!!!!" You shouted. Jimin quickly opened his door with wide eyes "What?!!! What happened???" He searched your body to find some bruises thought that you got beaten up "GUESS WHAT?!" You smiled wide "What???" He kept his wide eyes "I got out of college!!" You kept smiling. "WHAT?! WHY??!!" He looked surprisingly unhappy, your smile faded slowly "why? Youre not happy? Dont your heard the news? I'm becoming your stylist's assistant so that i can keep close to you~" you hugged him "why? You dont have to quit college to do that (y/n) -a, what about your future? Its not promising to be in this kind of job" he said while hugging you back and stroked your hair "i did it because i want to be with you always" he pulled you slowly and look at your eyes "okay sweetheart, do your best, so you can be the best and becoming the main stylist for me, hm?" He smiles and kissed my forehead and hugged me again. "What about your parents? They agreed to this?" He asked while playing with your hair still hugging you. "Yes, at first they opposed it, but i convince them, they agreed now" you said then look up at him, "I promise to be the best babe" you pecked his lips.


So this how you ended up. You've working your ass off to be the best, and always do your best. Even when the stylist you work with is always telling you to do all the work and keep blaming everything on you, yelled at you and tease you, you always do your best without any regrets. Only one thing that always motivate you 'I want to be with Jimin, always'

You opened the door of the wardrobe room.
But, you saw something that youre not suppose to see,,
The love of your life, the only person that ever made you work this hard, holding another girl.....
You stand there shock, dropping all the clothes you held to the ground. Why?

"Why?" Your face feel hot, your heart beat so fast as it is broken to pieces, you feel tears building up on your eyes "why?" Tears began to drop slowly along your cheeks.

You saw Jimin is holding a girl in his arm as he kissing her madly, that girl round her hands around jimin's neck and kissing him back. Their clothes.. Are all over the place...

They stopped slowly as they looking at me "oh (y/n)-a......." he said widened his eyes, you can see a little bit of smile on his lips. That smile, even when its not clear, you know it, a smile you never see on him, a smile of lust. "Hah" you giggle holding your temple "i-i'm sorry to disturb you guys, excuse me" you left the room while wiping away your tears looking down.

As you left the room you burst out, you cried so hard that your vision gets blurry, you bumped so hard to someone and fell on the ground "why? What did i do? What did i do so wrong that he did this to me?" You said in your cried "(y/n)-a what happened? Why you crying like this?" You looked up and see Suga's worried face "Oppa, am i that bad? Am i so bad? Am i so bad?" You keep repeating your words over and over again, dont know what to do. "Oh my god, i feel like choking" you stand up, still crying and run to the toilet "(Y/N)-A!!" Suga shout calling for you.

You enter the toilet get in one of the room and lock it. You feel like your about to throw up but couldn't, you hit your chest as hard as you can while crying.

You keep crying inside but slowly you calmed yourself down. Staring at the ceiling blankly.

"(Y/N)-a, you there, please come out, are you okay?..... Jimin is looking for you" Familiar voice calling you out. I can hear his voice is cracking. You stand up and go out, seeing familiar face. You smile sadly "I'm okay oppa. Dont worry. I'm hungry, i think i'll go home for now and eat. Could you please tell sooyoung unnie (the stylist) that i'm leaving? Thank you" you smile sadly again then you turn your head a bit see your shoulder "and... Tell jimin, its over"

You take your bag and walk out the building, as you about to step out of the building you feel a hand grab your wrist. You turn around and found jimin's sad looking face. "What?" You give him cold stare, as cold as the dead. You pull off your hand hard from him and go out, you heard him calling your name but you just walk as if you heard nothing.

----JIMIN's POV----

I know what i did was wrong, for kissing her like that, and doing something i should NEVER did. I couldn't do anything, she grabbed me by the shoulder and push me to the wall and start kissing me madly, i want to push her off but she start to do things she shouldn't, rubbing her body on me.

I know i really shouldnt do that, but my instinct as a man win over me.

When (y/n) opened the door i was still in my ecstasy because of that girl. I couldnt do anything.

When she closed that door, i pushed that girl hard until she fell on the floor, quickly i put my clothes on and ran to the door, open it and what i could hear is her crying so hard. "Oh my god, what did i just do" and grabbed my hair and messed it up. "SHIT!"

I could see Suga hyung is there with her asking whats wrong, "why? What did i do? What did i do so wrong that he did this to me? Oppa, am i that bad? Am i so bad? Am i so bad?" Thats all that i can hear from her. I feel teary hearing what she said. I dont know whats wrong but i saw her ran and when i'm about to chase her Suga hyung grabbed my hand "What the fuck just happened?" He looked at me with his mad expression. As im about to open my mouth to explain, that girl came out from the room "Seems like its over between you guys, thanks by the way for the FUN" she smirked. "What was that?" Suga hyung asked again, with even more tense expression. "I..... I....." I dont know what to say, all this feeling mixed together inside, guilty, anger, sadness, depression, i dont know what else "WHAT?!" Suga hyung start to rise up his volume, i know that hes really mad right know "IS IT WHAT I THINK IT IS ? YOU AND THAT..GIRL?!" I felt tears down on my cheeks and i fell to the ground "you stupid bastard. AAH!! WHY?" I can see him walking forth and back holding his head "JUST WHY?" He sounds frustrated, all i can do was sitting there..crying "you cry? Thats all what you can do?! You sure you have balls?! Go to her!" He yelled once again, grabbed my hand and help me up, pushed my back to go to her "go".

I ran everywhere to search, there, in front of the exit door of the building i see her, i ran to her and grabbed her wrist. She turned and stared at me coldly, as cold as the dead, it gives me thrill through my spine. She had never see me in that kind of way. She's really.. Is disappointed at me. As she let go of my hand, i see her walking out the building, regrets starts to build up in my mind. "You stupid piece of shit!!!"


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