Chapter 10: it was about to get better

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Its been 3 days since that happened, i didnt talk to jimin at all, he still came everyday and telling me that its not his, but still, feeling so disappointed for the second time "why it has to be me? Why not other people?" I cry on my sleep.

Its 2 a.m in the morning and i still cant sleep, i decided to go for a walk around the hospital and stop by the garden "oppa, you asleep?" I called suga oppa "hm, why? 무순 일이야? (Whats wrong)?" "아이냐, 그냥, 잠이 안됐어요 (nothing, just, i cant sleep" "너 지금 어디야? (Where are you now?" "정원이에요 (garden)" "거기 가만있어. 지금 갈게 (stay right there, i'll be there)" "아니야! 괜찮아요. 오빠 자 (no! Its alright, go back to sleep) sorry" "(y/n)-a try to sleep okay? Listen to the music i made the other day for you. It'll help you to sleep, hm?" "그래, 고마워요 오빠, i'll hang up" i hang up and go back to my room.

I lay down on my bed and look at the window, "its snowing" i smile a lil bit, i take my phone and put on an earphone, playing the music that suga made for me, i close my eyes and i feel my eyes getting heavier.

I can feel the sun shine through my eyes and i open my eyes slowly, and i can see suga oppa is right there beside me "you awake? I came early this morning, i was worried about you. How you feeling?" He asked and i smile a bit "i'm okay, i feel better" "(y/n)-a want some chocolate?" I heard taehyung's voice "sure!" I immediately get up and sit, they both laugh at me "why you laughing!" I yelled at both of them "nothing" they laugh again.

"Oppa, i think i'm alright now, cant you tell the doctor? I want to go home" "no, keep resting here, you can go if you're REALLY is fine, and your condition is great" "but i'm bored, it will stressed me out even more if i dont get any entertainment" i made an puppy face "stop with that face! Taehyung-a can you get me the box?" "네 형 (yes hyung)" i look at the box then to taehyung and suga "what is it?" "You'll be surprised" Taehyung said while smiling.

Suga open the box and i can see a lot of makeup products, papers, and coloring pen "no way!!" I take the box out of suga's hand and take out the item one by one "no shit! You guys prepared all this for me?" I asked in excitement "yep! We went through all the trouble to find these things for you" taehyung said while giggling "thank you so much!! Gimme a hug" i hug both of them "now you're not going to get bored, if you want anything just tell me okay!!" Suga said and pat my head. "네!" I smile.

And i heard someone is opening the door, it came jhope, rapmon, and jin "(y/n)-a! How are you? I heard from suga that you got bored?" Jin said while walking closer to me "yes" i made sad face "i got really bored! Suga oppa doesnt let me got discharge" "of course!! You shouldnt!! You have to be fit 1000%" jhope said, as always he's as bright as the sun lol.

"Here, its snowing, you should keep yourself warm" rapmon put me a thick baby pink scarf "omg! Its pink!! 고마워~ 오빠들 최고!!" I said in a big smile.
"You're my only girl, neoneun naegae choigo~" i heard someone singing "nooooo~" its jungkook's voice, his voice is really good, i can listen to his voice till the end of the world without getting bored, i hide below the blanket blushing and he pull the blanket "(y/n) you're my only girl" "no shit! Shut up" i yelled at him blushing and he just laugh it off, they all laugh.

As we all laugh, i can see someone else on the door, he was holding a huge bouquet of red roses, so big that it covers half of his body. "Jimin-a come here" taehyung said pulling his hand. He reveals his face "(y/n)-a.." He just stand there saying nothing "hm?" I said.
"미안해, 여기.." He give me the bouquet "if you pull out each of the roses, you can see note sticked on it, they are all the things that i want to say to you but couldnt in person" i look around the bouquet and i could see notes. "고마워" i smile a bit. "그렇지 (thats right)" suga mouthed to me while smiling. "자~ lets eat!!" Jin yelled "형 뭐야! 왜 맨날 밥이야! (Hyung what are you saying?? Why always eating??)" Taehyung said pinching his arm "밥을 없으면 넌 죽어! (If you'll die if there is no food!)" He yelled "stop stop stop" jhope said while laughing.

"Its good to have them here with me, cheer for me" i thought to myself while smiling "what do you want to eat? I'll get it for you" jimin said to me while taking the bouquet from my hand and put it on the table near me "give me everything" all of them suddenly stop talking and looking at me with wide eyes "뭐?!!!! (WHAT?!!!)" i just laugh it off "dont 'what' me ! I'm hungry!"

The day passed with a happy atmosphere "rapmon oppa, dont you guys have schedule for today?" I asked while eating my meal "nope, we ask our manager to empty the schedule for today" " why?" "Its obvious, to accompany you sweetie" heard what he said and give an 'aawww' face "thank you! You guys are the best!!" Then i give a heart sign with my arm "아! 심쿵! (Aa! Simkung!)" jhope said while holding his heart , and again, we all laugh.

As we're having fun, the doctor came in, "hey (y/n), how are you doing? Wow, i can see that you've been eating a lot" the doctor said while smiling, "hehe yes". He start to examine me. "Okay, you're all good, you can go home for the next two weeks. For now we will get you an ultrasound" i smiled but then my smile vanish after hearing the doctor said he will get me an 'ultrasound', jhope, rapmom and suga put their hand on their face, knowing the truth, while the other just looking at the doctor with wide eyes, confused. "U....Ultrasound?" Jimin said "yes, to check how the baby's doing" the doctor answered him "husband-nim, please follow us" suga stand up and follow the doctor, nurse, and i , "hyung, what does this mean" jimin grab suga's wrist "jimin-a sit down, i'll explain to you" rapmon said while holding his shoulder.


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