Happy's POV

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We just got back from our trip to Fort Knox. It was pretty difficult, but definitely not the worst situation the team's been in. Even though Toby got hurt, which I'm still pissed about, we did fine. I jus-
"We have another mission guys. You can all go home and change, but we need you back here in half an hour." Cabe broke my thought process.
"But it's 5pm and we've been working all day! What are we supposed to be doing?" That's my Toby, with all the questions. Yes, now that we're finally dating I'm allowed to say that.
"Just go home and come back in half an hour and I'll explain the rest then." This isn't good. Cabe is in a bad mood, and now we have another assignment. Well crap, that ruins my night.

Everyone slowly leaves, it's been a really long day so we're all tired. I've been staying at Toby's apartment for the past couple weeks, so he can't really leave without-
"Hey, you ready to go?" What is with everyone breaking my thought process lately?! Then again I don't mind if Toby does, but I'll never actually say that to anyone.
"Yup" I take his keys out of his hand quickly, and run outside. I hear footsteps close behind me as I'm running. I get in the car and see Toby standing outside with a defeated look, I feel bad until I notice he's trying to hide a grin because I stole is keys. He looks at his phone and his eyes widen, then he quickly get in the car.
"We have 20 minutes" I look at him, he seems in a hurry.
"What are you going to turn into a pumpkin in 20 minutes?" That's when he finally laughs,I knew he would sometime. It's not Toby, not to laugh.
Then I start the car.

Once we get to Toby's apartment he plops down on the couch. We now have 15 minutes, so 5 for me to take a shower, 5 for him to take a shower and the last 5 is how long it takes us to get back to the garage.
"I'm going to take a shower." I know he doesn't feel like getting up, so that should give him enough time.
Then I go to Toby's bedroom and grab clothes out of "my" drawer, get my phone, and go to the bathroom.
Once in the bathroom, turn on My Chemical Romance and take my shower. The warm water running down my back feels amazing.

I hear a nock at the bathroom door,
"Hap's you almost done? We're gunna be late as it is." Okay, maybe I took a little bit longer than expected in the shower.

"Yea....sure..." To be honest I wasn't. "Im getting done, don't worry."

"I thought you would have said that 20 minutes ago, but-" I cut him off

"WHAT! I've been in here for 20 minutes?! Oh God Cabe's going to kill us!" Maybe I over reacted, just a little bit.

Toby's still sitting outside the bathroom door, so I decide to get out of the shower and change as quickly as possible so he can take his shower. I know he wont take as long as I did.

Once I have my clothes on I open the door, which he didn't expect apparently because his head hit the bathroom floor.

I help him up and then towel dry my hair while he gets in the shower.

Toby took 5 minutes to take his shower. Which is how long I was supposed to take mine but I ended up being in the shower 4 times as long. Literally.

I'm sitting at the bar in the kitchen drinking a beer, waiting for him to get dressed.

Toby finally comes out of the bathroom and grabs his jacket and keys. Im still sitting at the bar because I noticed what he forgot. I clear my throat to get his attention. He turns around to face me.

"You forgot something." He gives me a confused look after I say that.

Then he realizes it. he goes to our bedroom and comes back wearing a pair of black Converse. They're in great condition because he doesn't always wear them.

"good?" I love how he clarifies.

I smile and give him a thumbs up.

Then we head off to the garage.

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