Toby's POV

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It took us longer than expected to get done at my apartment. But it's okay.

We get to the garage, and Paige gives me and Happy a worried look. Then Happy looks at me and I look back at her.

"Where were you guys! I specifically told you to be here 15 minutes ago! We have a plane to catch!" Well, Cabe obviously isn't in a good mood.

He continues ranting, and I notice Paige standing close to Walter, well closer than usual. Then my eyes dilated and I realized they where holding hands.

Then Walter and I make eye contact and he smiles, which is unusual. Walter hasn't truly had a genuine smile since before Megan died.

Wait. Where's Armstrong? I look down to Happy and apparently she could tell what I'm thinking because she shrugs.

I hear a snap of fingers, and look at Cabe. "Can I please get everyone's attention!"

We all look at him.

"Okay, there is a train in Manhattan New York that leaves at midnight tonight, but it has a messed up engine. This is mostly Happy's  cue, but we need you guys to figure out how to stop the train to give Happy enough time to fix the engine. Everyone understand?"

Paige raises her hand like she's in a kindergarten class.

"What about Ralph? He cant stay here al-"

Cabe then cuts her off

"You'll stay here with him, we dont need you, but make sure you have you coms in. Just in case."

She has an upset look, and then nods.

Then Sly pitches in;

"Okay we need to go now because it takes 4.35 hours to get there."

Then we all grab the stuff we need and head to LAX(The Airport)

Night Train (A Quintis fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now