Happy's POV

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We are back at the garage. Paige is asleep Sly went home and Walter keeps telling me to go home and get sleep.
"Happy. Go home we'll figure it out later. It's 6 in the morning and you haven't had sleep in more than 24 hours. Go home."
After hearing that I just thought if it would shut him up I might as well. But I need to find Toby. As soon as possible.

I left the garage and am now at Toby's apartment. Sitting on the bed in tears. I just wish he was here. What if Mark kills him! He has all control of what happens to Toby. Which means anythings possible.
I don't know anymore. I just want Toby back. My Toby.

Author's Comment:
I suggest watching this, because it explains how Happy feels right now, perfectly. Thx.

I change into a pair of his underwear and his StarWars T-Shirt. Turn on Netflix and get a beer out of the fridge. This is exactly what I wanted to do last night. I just wasn't expecting to be alone.

^^^^^^^^^^after watching half an episode of Sherlock^^^^^^^^^^

I've tried to watch Sherlock but it's not interesting without Toby. I should probably go and sleep. But I can't do that without him either. But I should. Walts going to pissed if I'm dead coming to work in a few hours.
God I wish Toby was here.

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