Toby's POV Again.

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We finally arrived at the Airport and we didn't really bring anything so it wont take long. The plane boards in 5 minutes.

^^^^^^^^^^5 Minutes later^^^^^^^^^^

We are finally on the plane. That was the longest 5 minutes of my life.

Me and Happy are together. Sly and Walter are together. and Cabe is sitting with some dude no one knows.

Me and Happy are listening to Panic! At The Disco on my phone. Luckily I brought my earbuds, because now we dont have to listen to Sly and Walter.

Happy has her head propped up on my shoulder. It's really nice to know she opened up to me. Finally.
She readjusts and lays her head on my lap, and her feet facing the seat. Her dark eyes look up at me as I see a smile come across her face.
She grabs my phone and changes it from Miss Jackson by Panic! At The Disco, to American Idiot by Green Day. Which it's fine by me, because I'm a huge Green Day fan.

^^^^^^^^^^2 hours later^^^^^^^^^^

We're halfway there.
Walter's asleep and Sly is calculating the possibilities of death or a plane crash, probably both. And I have no idea about Cabe.
Happy's head is still in my lap, and now we're catching up on NCIS, while I play with her hair.

^^^^^^^^^^1 and 1/2 hours later^^^^^^^^^^

Everyone is now asleep, well I'm not, but everyone else is.
I'm starting to think Walter's dead. Sly fell asleep about an hour ago. And Happy just fell asleep.
I look down, and put my hat on her head that's leaning on my arm around her shoulder.

We still have about 20 minutes until the plane lands.

^^^^^^^^^^15 minutes later^^^^^^^^^^

Walter is awake. Sly is awake. I still have no idea where Cabe is, nor do I care.
I look down and see Happy's dark eyes flutter open and once she notices me she smiles.

The stupid flight attendant had to ruin my thought process.
"We are now landing. Welcome to New York! Thank you for flying with us!"
Happy and I both roll our eyes at the same time.
I guess we are in New York now.
It's 10:30.

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