Happy's POV

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We have officially arrived to New York.
Me and Toby are walking around the airport waiting for Walt, Sly, and Cabe. Apparently we all got separated, well me and Toby didn't but we lost the other three and don't have that much time.
"I'm done. I can't do thins anymore." What is he talking about?
"You're done this what exactly? Looking for the rest of the team? Life? Us?" I'm kind of worried to hear his answer but at the same time I'm not because he wouldn't do that.
"No! I'll never be done with us. You're my everything Happy, never think otherwise. I'm just done looking for them." That's a relief.
"Yea, I don't know anymore I'm tired and just want to go home, watch Netflix and drink a beer." That is truly the best thing I could ever do right now!
"Guys!" Sylvester?
"Hey, we need to go where's Walt and Cabe?" I don't have time for chitchat we have to go. Now.
"I don't know I thought they were with you guys. Oh my God there's so many people there's so many germs!" Great. He's starting a panic attack.
I look over to Toby and give him a frustrated look. Then I see Walter.
"Walt! We gotta go!" After he hears me he comes over worried.
"Where's Cabe?! We have to go!" Well he just took the words right out of my mouth.
"We don't know." God now I'm starting a tantrum.
Sly is now crying on the floor because of his panic attack. Toby's trying to comfort him, and Walter's freaking out because Cabe's gone missing.
Toby sees me sitting up against a wall so he comes and sits next to me.
"I just need a moment without whining, crying, and freaking out. Damn! What is going on with me, I can usually handle this." It seems easier to explain my feelings to him.
"It's because it's been a long hard day and it's not over yet. You're not used to the pressure of having two assignments in one day. None of us are." He takes my hand, and I weave out fingers together.
"How are you not freaking out?" And I thought I was the toughest person here.
"Because I know everything's gonna be okay no matter what happens."
I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Walt, can't you call him?"
He looks over to me dull.
"You don't think I've already tried that?!"
"Well gosh." I say softly so he can't hear me.
I feel Toby laugh silently. Then he kisses my head.
I sigh. "I'm an idiot. I wish I didn't feel like this. I can take it! I just-" Toby cuts me off
"You're not an idiot. It's just the pressure that's getting to you."
"You're just saying that because we're dating. Everyone's always told me otherwise. I'm a pathetic, stupid, freak. Or at least that's what everyone tells me. Or has told me." I'm looking at the ground trying to pass the flashbacks of foster homes.
Toby makes me look at him, as a tear falls down my face.
"Happy you're fu**in perfect. Any bi*** that says you're not amazing is wrong." I wish that's true. "And I wouldn't be dating you if I didn't mean what I say."
"Well crap, I don't know how to top that." Then we both laugh a little.
"Guys come on we just need to go and get this train thing done then we can come back and continue looking for him." "Walter we can't leave without him. What if he's looking for us!" Oh my gosh Sly!
"Nope. We're leaving. I need to fix that engine before 12 which is in an hour. I'm calling it, we're leaving. You can stay here in this crowded building by yourself Sly."
"Fine I'm going."

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