Toby's POV

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My eyes flutter open, then I feel myself jump like I've just been stabbed.
I look around and notice I'm tied to a chair in a dark room. All I see is this small light in the corner. Looks like a lamp from here.
The I suddenly hear screeching. A door, obviously.
"Oh, look who's awake...finally! I was starting to think you had a panic attack and died-oh wait that's Sylvester." Mark Collins, ugh! Obviously, that's why I'm here. I should ha-WAIT!!! Where's Happy? Is she okay?! I start breathing heavily, and I can't control it.
"Well, looks like I don't have to kill you now. You'll just hyperventilate and die of oxygen loss. Don't worry I don't have you precious little girlfriend." I'm the physiatrist here! He's not supposed to be able to read me like that! That's my job! "What do you want Collins?"
"That does not concern you. It's their choice weather I get what I want, that or you die. It's all in their hands...well part of it. I'm the one with the gun if they choose not to. You girlfriend won't like it either way. You know she doesn't really love you. She's just acting like she does because she has anger issues and she needs you to help-" I cut him off
"Look, I don't care is you kill me! She won't let go until then. I know sometimes she seems like she doesn't love me, but that's just at work because she doesn't feel comfortable. I really don't deserve a hot, talented, intelligent woman like her. I will love her until I die. Weather that's in less than 24 hours of 24 years, I will always love her. Nobody can ever change that." Then suddenly the screech happens agian, Collins looks extremely confused.
Then 8 FBI agents come into my view. Collins tries running but that was a stupid idea really. And I'm a professional at stupidity, so I should know.
I can feel the zip ties around my wrist get cut and now I'm no longer tied to the chair. Usually the first thing that comes to people's minds when they first get untied from captivity is revenge, but that doesn't even come close to what I'm thinking about right now. Happy. I need to find Happy. I need to hold her in my arms and feel her head against my chest. It's not a want it's a need. A lot of people get those two mixed up. I want to go get a beer, but I need to see Happy again.
The last thing I heard from Collins was three words, "this isn't over" it's kind of frightening knowing that he's a genius and he has his ways, especially when it comes to getting out of situations, like jail.

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