Chapter Two: Team

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My burns healed way faster than expected but the pain in my leg was almost unbearable, the doctors said it was broken.

"Man, this sucks" I muttered.

"Yeah, it must hurt really bad" a green girl with freckles appeared in the doorway.

My eyes widened, she looked vaguely familiar. Her red hair, green skin,freckles. Very familiar.

"Miss Martian" I recalled.

"You can call me Megan" she giggled.

"Uh, hi....Megan" I waved, just wanting her to leave.

"Hi Cara, are you feeling any better, how are those burns?" Megan inquired.

"Yeah, just a bit better but my stupid leg is broken" I told her.

She gave me a sympathetic look and smiled,"I made you cookies!"

She put them on the table next to my bed.

"Thank you Megan" I looked down at my scarred hands, "Do you happen to know where in the world I am?"

"You're in Gotham" she said, "But don't  worry we're taking you to Mount Justice  soon and-"

"Mount Justice?" I interrupted.

"Well yeah, that's were the rest of the team is" Megan answered.

Why are they taking me to Mount Stupid?

"So you're saying I'm  on the team?" I asked with disbelief.

"Well yeah" she calrified, "Batman said you'd make a great addition to the team, he's seen you fight, he knows you're a hero."

"Look, I'm  more of a solo hero ya know so I don't think this whole team thing will work out for me" I told her.

There was no way I was going to join this team. I don't wanna follow the 'rules' I want to live life free and wild! I'm a little hyperactive, I know but  don't worry I take medication for that.

"It'll  be great, don't worry!" She assured, "We'll come up with a name for you and a cool suit, and you'll meet new friends!"

I raised an eyebrow,"Do I actually have a choice in this?"

"I-don't know, it was Batman's  orders" Megan replied

Oh of course Batman's orders.

I know that you're nervous but it will be fine. A voice said inside my head.

I put my hand to my temple, man that gave me an awful headache. It wasn't  my conscience, because I know my conscience and it would never said that.

Who's talking in my head? You're not me, or my brain so get out. I mean, if you are my brain and I'm going crazy, tell me because I need my brain.

"Sorry" Megan blushed clearly embarrassed, "I couldn't help it"

"So you can speak inside my head?" I asked.

She furrowed her brow,"Well yeah, telepathic link, it helps us on our missions"

"Okay I gotta admit that's pretty awesome" I smirked.

"Yeah, and you should see what the rest of the team can do!" Her eyes brightened, "You'll love it!"


As soon as my leg healed I was taken to Mount Justice to start my training. I was a little nervous, since I wasn't the type who liked working with a group.

"This is Artemis" Megan said pointing to a tan,blonde girl I guess I wasn't  the only blonde on the team

"And Wally, Connor, Kaldur, Zatanna and Robin" Megan introduced.

Kaldur shook my hand," Welcome to the team".

"Nice to meet you people" I said.

"Nice to meet you too" Zatanna replied swiftly.


After the awkward introduction the team went over rules, tips and teamwork.

"So now that you know, do you have any questions?" Kaldur asked.

"No, not really" I said not wanting to hear anymore.

"We know you aren't a team player but that doesn't mean you can't learn to be. Besides you might just learn to like us" Robin said.

"Yeah sure, I'll try" I said,hoping it didn't come out sarcastic.

"Great! Let's go an make some cookies!" Megan said enthusiastically, dang she would be a great cheerleader because the mention of making cookies sure did cheered me up. Her cookies were heavenly..

"Make a whole tray just for me!" Wally called.

We went to the kitchen, and there was a lot of food. They had all my favorite snacks. This place was heaven. Maybe I was glad I came here after all, no not just for the food but for the friend making gig.


Authors Note

Hey! So  how are you liking it so far? I know It sucks but it's going to get better.

How do you think Cara is going to do on the team?

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting!

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