peter capaldi

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  LAZY MORNINGS are always my thing. Just imagine lying in bed with the covers pulled over your head in fuzzy socks and a soft pillow. Instead, I am rudely awakened by a slamming door and an energetic eight-year-old. Molly bounded into my room and jumped repeatedly up and down the bed. "Jasmine I'm back!" she exclaimed happily. "Did you miss me? Did you miss me?" She almost sounded like Moriarty for a second but she's a child so I'm letting that slide.

I chuckled at Molly's energy, boy would I give anything to have the energy she has now for high school. "Of course, I did." I mumbled from my pillow, burying my nose into its softness. "Do you mind if you let me sleep in a bit longer?" I asked, shutting my eyes tightly trying to resume back to my dream of being a companion with the eleventh doctor.

Molly knelt next to my face. "Mom's made pancakes..." she said in a singsong voice, lifting up the covers slowly. I opened one eye and threw the covers off me. Molly knows me too well.

"Alright, you win!" I admitted in defeat, rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms as I yawned. Molly stared open mouthed at me, pointing at my hair. I ran my hands through my hair to sort out the tangles. "What about my hair?" I asked her, hastily tying it into a ponytail to keep it out of my face.

"It's red!"

For a moment, I had forgotten that my hair was recently dyed red, thanks to a certain duo and I yelped. Then I remembered that it has been dyed like this yesterday and relaxed. "Yeah Molls, I decided to switch things up."

Molly stayed for a while, chatting with me as I got ready for the day. Sundays are the best time to lie in your bed and watch Netflix all day, and to forget about your responsibilities for once. I am literally the human embodiment of a sloth, so anything that involved not moving for a whole day is my kind of thing. I quickly got dressed as Molly soon got impatient waiting for me to get ready and rushed down to have breakfast.

As they gathered at the dining table for breakfast, my newly coloured hair was all they could talk about.

"Jasmine! What an outrageous, but gorgeous colour!" Alice complimented, picking up a strand of my hair.

"She looks like Ariel now, doesn't she mummy?" Molly exclaimed, tugging at Alice's clothes.

"Why did you decide to dye it?" Charles asked, stirring his coffee. I chewed my lip, tempted to give away the prank and tell them that Connor slipped dye into my shampoo. Instead, I smiled. "New place, I wanted to spice things up." I lied.

They nodded and ate their breakfasts quietly. Connor walked down, his hair an unruly bed head mess and wearing nothing but sweatpants. I've been hearing from almost everyone how lucky I was to be living under the same roof as Connor Marks but I never really gave much thought to it. To me, he was just an arrogant guy who seems to have a split personality and cares for nobody except for his family and close knitted group of friends. But right now, I am thanking the gods for the sight they have bestowed upon me.

'Holy mother of God I am truly blessed.' I thought to myself, biting on my hand to keep myself from drooling.

In a way, he beats the many hot actors I have seen on Netflix and the movies. I'm sorry Dylan O'Brien but I think Connor tops you in many areas. I quickly resumed to my pancakes, but internally screaming. If Maxine was here, I bet she would make me post a sneaky picture on Snapchat. Then again, he is still the same arrogant prick. Why did God have to make all the worse people so good looking?

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