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Beep. Beep. Beep.

  HOW ODD that my alarm wasn't a favourite punk rock song of mine this morning. Usually I would wake up with Fall Out Boy blasting on my phone or on some days, a Disney song. You've got to get in the mood early in the morning otherwise, how else would you have the spirit to go through the day? The beeping sound of the alarm was not exactly my cup of tea, nor is it my ideal alarm clock.

I shifted about on the bed which felt extremely uncomfortable and hard, along with the smell of disinfectant. This is even more odd. I know for one, my sheets still smelled like Connor's stupid deodorant/cologne and my vanilla night cream. This smelt like disinfectant and hospital sheets. My eyes fluttered open to the ugly colours of green and white. The furniture and sheets matched the wallpaper and it was disgusting.

My parents were on a loveseat, my mother's head resting against my father's chest and Peter was sitting next to me, his hand gripping mine tightly and his face, lying against our hands. I ran my fingers through his hair which woke him up with a jolt.

"Jasmine, oh God, you're awake." Peter said pulling his hand from my grasp and rubbing his eyes. "Mom, dad, Jazz is up."

My parents scrambled up, still wearing yesterday's clothes. Speaking of yesterday, what happened? I only remembered a few moments from yesterday, eating pasta with the Marks, swinging in the park and almost getting kidnapped. I also remembered wearing Connor's jacket which was still on me. Where is he anyways?

I didn't get a chance to speak as a doctor walked in, holding a clipboard tightly and her glasses down her nose. She pushed them up and looked at me. "Hello Jasmine, I'm Doctor Wentworth, how are you feeling?" she asked, checking up on the machine I was hooked up on.

"Fine, I've just got a bit of a headache." I rubbed my forehead. "But why am I here?"

"You fainted yesterday, due to hypothermia. Your body temperatures, when I checked was very low and thankfully, a boy brought you in quickly otherwise you would've been in a worser state." Doctor Wentworth explained.

I don't remember much from yesterday so I just nodded. She took a couple of notes onto her clipboard. "Mr and Mrs Darling, your daughter is perfectly fine. I'll just have to run a few more tests on her before I can discharge her."

My mother stepped forward. "When can she be discharge the soonest?"

"Today itself."

My parents decided to go to the hospital cafeteria for breakfast and some coffee with Peter. Doctor Wentworth had already unhooked me for my machine so I decided to wash myself up and change if possible.

I went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water to my face; I felt much fresher and rejuvenated. There weren't any fresh clothes so I decided to just stay in yesterday's dress and Connor's jacker. When I exited the bathroom, I saw a nurse standing at my bed. She looked relieved to see me.

"There you are!" she said. "Doctor Wentworth would like to run some tests on you before she can discharge you."

I nodded and followed the nurse to Doctor Wentworth's office which was decorated with certificates of her doctorades and acheivements. I noticed she had books on children's health care and assumed she was a paediatrician as she had decorated her room with bright colours and children's toys.

She took a blood test and my temperature before concluding I was alright and sent me back from my room. When I entered, I saw Connor looking for something.

"Lost something Marks?" I asked.

"Yeah, my leather jacket." He said. "Oh you're wearing it."

"Do you want it back?" I asked.

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