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  MY HAIR was damp as I sat on my bed in silence, still brimming with anger over detention. To the boys, it seemed like a harmless, funny prank. To me, it was the worst prank anyone could pull on me. As much as I loved horror and gore, but to see it in real life, it scares the living shit out of me. Pulling out my phone, I shot a quick text to Maxine and Meg.

Come over. I'm too pissed & scared to function. Address? I think you know where.

I received an instant reply from them and grinned evilly to myself. Oh Connor Marks, you have no idea what you just done to me. I'm a real dragon and your butt is going to get kicked so hard by three girls.

When I heard my doorbell chime, I dropped everything and scrambled downstairs. Maxine and Meg stood in awe at my house and complimented it. My mom always wanted to be an interior desginer but she never achieved that goal so she stuck to the corporate world. Now she takes out the interior designer within her to design our home.

"You know, for a family like you living next to Marks next door, you must have some serious good vibes because the last couple that lived here, we'll say something happened and they packed up and left." Meg drawled, looking around the house.

I was curious about the previous tenants. "What happened to them?"

"They were murdered." Maxine said nonchalently. "On this very spot."

My jaw dropped. Murder in this house? Is the ghost of the previous tenants still wandering about? Oh my God, did Connor murder them? Questions swirled in my head and I was too busy pondering about the dead couple when I saw Maxine and Meg laugh.

"You take things way to seriously." Meg chuckled. "The old Walter couple moved to a retirement home."

"I actually thought there was a dead, vengeful couple ghost on the loose." I shuddered at the thought of it. "Too much paranormal things happening today.

Sitting on my bed, I double locked my windows and shut the curtains. Connor saw me doing that and waved cheekily. I just ignored him and gave him a sarcastic smile before pulling the curtains shut. Nobody ever messes with me and gets away with it, oh no, Connor Marks has no idea what he has signed up to.

"I need pranking ideas." I demanded, lying on the floor. Both Maxine and Meg made themselves comfortable on my bed and was cuddling my favourite teddy bear named Duffy which was sent from my grand aunt who lives in Japan for my first birthday. Duffy's a little chewed on, a little dull but I still love him all the same.

"Public pranking, oh God that will be hilarious." Meg suggested, playing with a lock of her hair. I made a note of it on my phone and turned to Maxine.

"Use some frogs because I know how much he hates frogs." Maxine proposed. "Last year in Biology, when we had to dissect frogs, he squealed when we accidentally got a live frog and was so afraid of it."

"But frogs are disgusting." I countered. I hated the feeling of the slimy frog's skin and how disgusting they looked in pictures. Just the idea of it's wet and slimy body against my hand makes me shudder.

"Which is why it makes the whole prank so much better." Meg stated. I shrugged and went with the idea. Meg also offered to get the frogs because she lived near a large lake where supposedly loads of frogs are and the plan was complete.

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We have decided that the perfect place and timing to pull the prank is during their football practice. Firstly because Peter will be playing, and secondly, Connor will also be playing which makes the whole thing even better. A loud croak came from the blue bag where we kept a frog in and all three of us exploded in violent coughs, which earned the stare of a watcher nearby.

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