Chapter 4

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~Jackies POV~

The ride home was to fast for me. I had just swung up on the bike and now we were home again.

- This was really fun thanx Alex, I said and hugged her

- No prob, we still have that sleepover sometime remember that, she said and then she was gone.

Her hair left a calm sent of strawberries after her and I took of my helmet. I opened the door and prepared for the worst. To my big surprise nobody came to say something it was all quiet and I looked around. All the lights were out and I let a relived sigh slip out my lips. I took of my shoes and locked the door. I tip toed to the kitchen and looked at the oven clock. 23:30. Well it was no big surprise that everyone had gone to bed. Tomorrow dad was going on a business trip to London and the plane wen't 4:am. I wen't upstairs to my room. I hesitated and then I took the little letter from the table and wen't to my room. The stairs seemed to sound even more today. I opened my room who was the door facing the stairs. So if I ever would be sleep walking that could be my death. The door opened smoothly. The step into my room was like that little step between Narnia and the closet. My room was boiling. I had one big window facing the water. So everyday in the summer my room was boiling because of that big window.

I took of my clothes and put on my pyjamas. I brushed my hair. My hair reached down to my where my ribs ended. It was hazelnut colored and really thick. I out it up in a bun before I wen't to the bathroom who was right beside my room so I had a door that connected my room with the bathroom, so I had technically a private bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I looked up in the mirror. I didn't like what I saw. My face was egg shaped with lots of black spots that made me look like a human salami. I put on a cleaning mask so I could look more like a messed up painting instead with small dots here and there. My mask smelled like natural soap and started to foam in my face. I let it sit in for a couple of minutes. I decided to guess what possibly could be in that letter. Maybe it was a ticket for 1 week of no chores at all that would be a pretty good present after all. I got up and washed my face and turned of the lights. I opened the door to my room and closed it really quiet behind me. I threw myself on the bed and opened the letter. I turned on my night light and started reading. 

Dear Jackie

I hope you're having a great birthday, after all it's not everyday you turn sixteen. Maybe you're wondering why you only got some clothes and a letter. The truth is in this letter. Ah well you'll see later on  what's in it. Your dad wasn't very fond of the gift but he can't always have how he want's it. I know it's tough for you here. My dear Jackie I'm trying my best with your dad but you know how stubborn he is sometimes. This isn't going to be so long letter probably you won't even read it, but I wan't you to know that me and your dad loves you even though we do not alwys show that. 

I hope you like your present

Love Mom

I folded the letter in half. Even though it was a very short letter it had touched me. I put the letter on the nightstand and looked in the envelope. In there it was six pieces of paper I tooke them all out and it was really thick paper almost like tickets.... This couldn't be true right?! It couldn't be happening. I looked at the papers on at a time, and it was sure happening. Two tickets to minecon for me and Alex, and four flytickets to get there and to go home. Must... Not... FANGIRL!!

I jumped of the bed and reached for my phone I called My Bacon and let signals go and go and go. 

- Omg, Jackie why you call me?

- Alex, Alex, Alex, Alex, Alex, Alex, Alex, I whispered, You'll never belive this!

- No I'll never belive that you call me in the middle of tghe night...

- I got the best birthday present EVER!

- I know, I'm the best, she murmured. 

- No, I got tickets for minecon!

That made her awake. 

- What? Are you serious? Omg I'm so happy for you, she shouted. 

- Guess what?

- What?

- You're comming with me!

She started to shout and I could hear her mom yell at her. 

- So when are we going? 

- Euhm... 

I read at the Airlane tickets. 

- In one week... 

- OMG! We're going to fly to Orlando in one week, Alex shouted in my ear. 

- Yeah. We need to talk tomorrow. Night Alex. 

- Night Jackie. 

I put my phone on the nightstand and turned of the light. 

I guess I'm going to minecon

My saviour (A BajanCanadian, JeromeASF and CaptainSparklez fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now