Chapter 9

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A/N listen to song on the right XP

~Jackie's POV~

I ran and knocked everyone out of the way until I accidentally bumped in to Mrs. Jenkins. I turned around quickly and saw her face go as red as her hair colour. I turned around quickly and continued running. I ran downstairs and I heard Mrs. Jenkins klick klick klick after me. She had always bullied me. Together with Laura they made me feel bad. I guess that's how it all started. I got my first thoughts about how bad I am and that I'm fat after Mrs. Jenkins and Laura had mocked me when I was eleven. We were on a school field trip and I had brought a sandwich and a chocolate bar. 

(A/N if you don't get it the cursive is a flashback)

I packed up my lunch and dragged in a big breath and smelled the pines and the grass, even though I'm allergic to pollen I loved the smell of nature. It was a perfect day for a field trip. It was about 20°c which is pretty hot in September and the sky was clear blue. The birds was singing and the leaves was as green as the grass. We had been riding the bus for thirty minutes and now we had just arrived and we would get arranged into groups. I just wanted to taste my chocolate. It was a new flavour with roasted almonds. I took it out and started unfolding the paper. 

- Well well well, it isn't time for lunch yet. Or are you already hungry?, Mrs. Jenkins had appeared right in front of me and covered the sun and sent a black shadow over me. 

- No, no, no miss.. I just wanted to taste my chocolate bar., I said with an unsteady voice. 

- Or you are hungry, wouldn't surprise me with that size of a belly, it would be good for you to be hungry for a while., she smirked and took the chocolate from my hands.

Tears started forming in my eyes and I looked away. 

- Of you go, you're with Giselle, Alexandra, and Lola. 

I raised from the ground and wen't to my team who already was working. 

- So what are we doing?, I asked with pretended confidence. Nobody answered. I opened my mouth but shut it again, and checked what they were doing. It was hard because they were standing in a circle. I tried to push through.

- Why don't you go and get some chocolate?, Giselle said with a smile, she turned to me and I backed away. Instantly everyone started gigling. Except for Alexandra and Laura. 

- I don't think you're fat Jackie., Laura had come to me from her group and started playing with my hair. I wanted so much cry in her arms. She was my best friend and I loved her, you're beautiful really., she smiled at me 

- So, so kids the shows over., Mrs. Jenkins said clapping her hands. Laura left me and wen't to her group and I turned to my group and saw that Alexandra was staring at me. She shook her head and turned to the circle again. I got a small spot in the circle, but hey it was a spot. 

At lunch I sat by Laura and ate on my chocolate bar. I had already eaten my sandwich and Laura was eating an apple.

- Can I've a piece?, she asked kindly, or are you going to have all of it by yourself?, she smirked

- What do you mean?

- I mean are you still hungry or can I've a little pice of that chocolate? 

- I thought you said I wasn't fat., I said tears starting to form in my eyes. 

- You aren't fat. You're just obese., she smiled. Can I've some of that chocolate or not?, a sharp tone in her voice. 

- Of course, here., I broke two pieces and gave them to her.

- Whoa! I don't wan't to be obese like you. I just wan't one piece!, she threw the other piece away and it landed precisley on a rock.

That day when I came home I locked myself in the bathroom and studied my body. They were right. I was fat. My thighs were both nudging eachother an my belly fat was just to much. I started crying in the bathroom and made up my strict diet. 

That's when it had all started. I started eating less and soon I had reached my goal. I was thin and I kept my diet. That's when Alex came into the picture. It was after PE and we were changing and showering. I grabbed my clothes and started walked towards the private shower. At this point I had realised I was sick but I couldn't stop. It didn't go any better beacuse Laura and Mrs. Jenkins was still bullying me. 

- Oh are you to fat to show us?, Laura said. 

- No I just wan't some private room., I said my voice a whisper. The whole changing room was smelling schampoo and hairspray. The old white walls was getting brownisch and the green floor was soon mossy green. My bare feet was freezing and was just sitting there in my sweaty clothes waiting for an opportunity to get away. Alexandra was staring at me. Just as she knew exactly why I didn't wan't to shower. 

- It isn't THAT bad., Laura said, she started approaching me and I curled up in a corner. She smiled a crooked smile. 

- Show us Jackie, we wan't to know if you really are THAT fat. 

- Leave her alone., a little but strong voice said, it was Alexandra who had spoken and I took my chance I grabbed my stuff and sprinted for the shower. 

That day I sat with Alexandra at the lunch and soon we became best friends. 

I stopped running. Wow I had been running for a long time and I didn't realise were I was until I looked up. Luleå Airport it said with big green letters. 

A/N: sorry for kind of short chapter but I just wanted to write somethings here. So I really don't wan't this story to be triggering for someone,if I cut down with the kind of depressing stuff the story won't be the same. So please don't be triggered by this story and I'll upload a chapter tonight xx Emily

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