My Three Immortal Boys

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I creaked down the stairs as fast as I could, hoping and praying neither my father nor any of his guards would see me. Nelly was downstairs waiting for me; I couldn't leave her waiting. One of the stairs I stepped on was abnormally squeaky, making me tense up; ready to be caught. But nobody heard, nobody came. I quickly exhaled, then finished the stairs and ran to the cupboards. Nelly couldn't have normal food, being an angel after all. Meat always made her puke; it was fruit that she wanted.

I grabbed her an apple and two bananas, then moved on to the werewolves. They on the other hand loved meat. I pulled out the six Whoppers I'd bought earlier for them, and dropped them into my bag. The Demons were next. Well, Demon would be more specific, since one of them died a few weeks ago. I grabbed him some chips and a burger, since Demons have taste buds similar to a humans. Last but not least, Vampire. We had no more emergency blood, so when I walked into The Cell Room, I felt horribly guilty. Here I was giving all the others something to eat, but nothing for him.

"Madison!" Nelly's high pitched voice cried. She was still only eight; it was cruel to do tests on her. She had beach blonde curly hair that went to her chest, and pretty sky blue eyes. She was wearing the lab outfit; white button up shirt and white slacks with white socks and white shoes.

"SHH!" I quietly told her, putting my finger up to my lips. She seemed to understand, though she still ran up to me, as best as she could. All 5 of them were trapped behind bars. One vampire, two werewolves, one demon, and of course one angel, Nelly. My father kept them in prison cells when he wasn't doing tests on them.

I handed Nelly her fruit through the bars, watching as she chomped right into her apple. Next I handed The Demon his burger and chips. His face was expressionless, not showing any hint of emotion. He'd been like this the whole time, though, so it's not like I didn't expect it. The Demon had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and was, when standing, around 6 ft. He had on the same thing as the rest of them; the Lab outfit.

Next I went to the werewolves' sell. They immediately jumped up, grabbed the Whoppers out of my hands, and tore right into them. I watched the two gobble them down, seeing the older looking one give me an appreciate nod. Not a smile, but a nod. It was better than nothing.

The two of them had light brown shaggy hair and pretty green eyes. Their faces were similar; I wouldn't be surprised if they were brothers. The older one stood at about 5'11, and the other at 5'9.

Last but not least, I walked to the Vampires cell, frowning all the way there. He was sitting in the far back corner, his blonde hair messy and pointing in every direction. His eyes were glowing a bright mahogany, and his skin was pale and chalky; he was definitely thirsty.

I spoke up for the first time. "We ran out of emergency blood," I told him, making him look up at me. And then he was right in front of me, grasping the bars and trying to break free. He yelled out in frustration, and eventually gave up. My dad had created a compound so strong, not even a vampire could break through it. Of course, I didn't know what that compound was.

He fell to the floor, his breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. I felt tears trickle down my face watching this. I so badly wanted to break all of them free! But what would happen to me afterwards? My dad would surely kill me.

Before I knew what I was doing, I reached my hand through the cell, tracing his cheek with my palm. I felt him shiver beside me, making me shiver too. "Go ahead," I whispered, my fingers shaking along with the rest of me.

"You would risk your own life to save a vampire?" He asked, his tone mixed between grateful and surprised.

"That's put it this way. You kill me, and you die too. You will have no way of escaping without me."

It wasn't until now that I noticed we had an audience. Everyone else in the room was watching.

He sat up, tracing my wrist with both of his thumbs. "Are you really okay with this?" He asked me. I nodded, trying my best to give him a reassuring smile.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my wrist, making me gasp. His hands gripped my arm roughly, causing even more pain to appear. I started to cry again, and this time it was not quietly. Sobs broke through my chest, causing me to feel short of breath.

After a few seconds I started to get light headed, and my arm started to feel numb. The pain subsided away, and in it's place; nothing.

I could hear my heart throb in my chest. My mind was racing, wondering when he would stop. The color had returned to his skin, and his eyes were now a sparkly hazel, which reminded me of my mom.

He finally let go, pushing my arm away before he took anymore. He was breathing loudly and grasping the roots of his own hair.

I lay there for a long time, on the cold, hard ground. I didn't have enough energy to get up, and write now I didn't really want to. At this moment, I felt at peace with myself. I could finally say I helped someone.

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