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Ok ok the titles a bit silly but whatever, my main concern is this guy and the only place I actually ever heard him was the World Wrestling Entertainment or WWE. Don't get your hopes up I don't watch it.... But you gotta love the RKO from Randy Orton lol.

Anyway back to point, Donald Trump, I think he's racist, idiotic and I also think he's either very stupid or forgetful. Now since I've freedom of speech I'll say what I want lol.

So I've heard Trump has been like winning the votes in a number of states in the USA. And all I have to say is what the fuck? Honestly America THAT GUY IS A MENTAL CASE!! I do have reasons.

So far he doesn't seem to get on with any of the other candidates! He called Ted Cruz a liar and I've no history so I don't know, I think he called Jeb Bush an idiot I'm not too sure but then again his father George was the biggest idiot (comment if you want answers) ever.

And then there was the moment when Trump publicly said on live television. "Mexicans are the problem with this country." & "there bringing drugs and there rapists." Ok I don't think the second one was exactly correct but I'm sure he said something very a like.

Now I'm no lover of politicians and I think there all idiots who are full of lies to get people to vote for them and I thought 'maybe Trump's just joking maybe he's not serious.' And then it got worse.

He said something about banning Islam. That is the most stupidest idea I've ever heard out of my 16 years on this planet. It's not about banning it's about the religion. I mean look at Europe I'm sure you heard of the Paris attacks last year and one was because of a drawing of Mohammed... Yes A DRAWING.

But in other words what I'm saying if a picture insults certain Muslims then I really think banning Islam in America would cause a fucking religious war. From our experience here DONT FUCK WITH MUSLIMS. And even to the anti Islam people you can't just get rid of it, it's too fucking popular and I don't even encourage hate cause I've never had problems with Muslims.

The one small thing I do agree with Trump is that illegal immigration has to be controlled, you can't just walk into a country and expect to just live there, you need passports and other shit. Also I'm pretty sure he said "the Irish are stupid." Which as a proud Irish man offended me but then when he was over here he said on one of our news channels "the Irish are very nice people and I really like them." Or blah blah whatever, that made me happy.

So in my opinion America, DON'T vote for this guy, he may sound nice and everything but that's exactly what Hitler did in 1938 just before WW2 kicked off. I agree that illegal immigration has to be stopped but building "a big wall around Mexico with a big door" is something what a child would say. So NO to Trump.

As for Hillary Clinton.... I won't get into it lol.

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