Missing Him

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ℳissing Him

We sat there in silence for what seemed like forever just staring out at the lake. I clenched my teeth together to keep from saying anything. I glanced over at him out of the corner of my eye and smiled. He thought I was too perfect for him. So he did the only thing he could probably think of at the time. He broke up with me.

"Kelly, you're the only girl that I will ever love and cheating on you was a mistake and ...you deserve better," he said quietly.

I slowly turned my head in his direction and tilted my head slightly. I deserved better? He was perfect and I was somewhat crazy, maybe even delusional. The list goes on. Out of all the girls he could go out with, he chose me; a killer, a psychopath. Of course he didn't know that, but he was about to find out very soon.

"Well in that case..." I stood from where we were sitting at the end of the dock and looked around for a sharp rock. Once my eyes landing on a rock with a very sharp looking end, I picked it up and slowly walked back onto the dock. I stood over my ex-boyfriend, Jake, with a murderous look.

He turned around and looked up at me. "What are you-"

Before he could finish what he was about to say, I quickly pulled the rock from behind my back and bashed him in the face with it. He covered his face with both of his hands, and screamed out in agony as he rolled around the dock. I turned him over so he was lying on his back and straddled his waist.

"W-what, are you doing?" he stammered.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm doing you a favor. If I'm the only girl you're ever going to love, then what's the point in living?" I ask.  I moved his hands away from his face and continued bashing it in with the rock.

When I was done, I was covered in nothing but blood. I got up and threw the rock in the water before rolling his lifeless body to the end of the dock, and pushing it in the water. I retreated back to my car, and got a bucket, a sponge, and a bottle of dish soap, before heading back to the dock.

I filled the bucket up with lake water, and put a little dish soap in, and began washing off the dock. As I washed his blood off the dock, I bawled. I was disconsolate because he was now dead. He was my first everything. He was the only guy at my school that gave me the time of day, and now he was gone forever.

He was just too perfect to stay in love with me for the rest of his life, which is why I had to kill him. I basically did him a favor. I would have killed him sometime later on anyways. When I was done, I grabbed all of my stuff and quickly left the scene.

Once I arrived home, I went to the shed in my backyard and got out a shovel. I walked over to the red 'X' that I had spray painted in the grass and looked down at it with a smile. I began shoveling the dirt out of the way until I saw a hand poking out of the ground. I threw the shovel down on the ground and sat down in the dirt. I took the hand in mine and squeezed it. "Hi mom, Guess what I did today."


Missing HimWhere stories live. Discover now