A/n: Yuki: Okay I am back~ Now for part 2 of 'Scenerio: They joked around saying they hated you: GoM + Kagami & Himuro', also. Im sorry for the last A/n saying 'What if' instead of scenerio. I'm very sorry if I had confused you readers! (/~π~)/
Akashi: Now let's begin with our other characters.
Midorima(A/n:Oh boy, get to write the Carrot-chan)
(Your Pov.)
"Carrot-kun! Tell me a joke~" I ran up to my favorite carrot, then glomped him with all my might. (A/n: I'm sorry, I had to put Carrot-kun for Midorima XD) "G-get off me nanodayo! And don't call me Carrot-kun!" I pouted and got off him. "Fine Carrot-kun~ Why so grumpy? I didn't do anything right?"I started to fake cry as he turned to me.
"H-hey! D-dont cry! You did nothing! It was m-me. I was the one who yelled at you, i-im sorry nanodayo." 'Aw~ my precious Carrot-kun is blushing! (^π^)' I thought as I wiped away my fake tears. "Its okay my Precious Carrot-kun!" I tackled him while grinning giantly. "W-wait! You were fake crying were-weren't you nanodayo!" I look up to him with a giant grin. "Hai~ hehehe~But Carrot-kun! Let's get to the point!" I let go and point at him.
"Tell me a Joke!"
(His Pov.)
"Tell me a Joke!" Wait. Tell her a joke? "I'm not doing that nanodayo. And stop calling me Carrot-kun!" I push up my glasses as I turn my back on her. "Aw~ Pretty please Shintaro-kun!! Please!" (A/n: Okay, was it just me who was suprised when their name like Akashi was their last name instead of their first name?) I stopped walking after having (Y/n) call me by my first name, then turn around to face her. Only to see her puppy eyes that I can't resist.
"Tch.. Fine, I'll tell you a joke Nanodayo, but its not like I care or anything" I look away as I push my glasses up again. "What starts with an I and ends with a You?"
(Your Pov.)
"This is too easy! It's of course, I love you! I always knew you loved me my precious Carrot-kun!" I happily skipped to Cartot-kun only to stop when I hear him say his responding sentence. "That's wrong Nanodayo. It was I Hate You." My eyes widen and started to get watery.
"D-do you mean that Shin- Midorima-kun...?"."What do you mean nanodayo?" That was the last straw.
(3rd Pov.)
And with that, (Y/n) bursted into tears. "H-hey! What's wrong!? I it wa-was a j-joke! D-dont cry!" Midorima goes to (Y/n) hugging her tightly, then blushing a lot. "I-I d-do-dont ha-hate y-you okay? I- I u-um... I-i lo-love y-you o-okay. S-so don't cr-cry" And with those 3 words. (Y/n) hugged Midorima back tightly. "I-i lov-love y-you too! But do-dont j-joke around li-like that ag-again.."
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