Murasakibara x Reader: Sharing Snacks = Love Perhaps? [Requested & Fluff]

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Yuki: Herro~ Yumieyukii I hope you like this oneshot~ and thanks you for requesting desu~

Mura: Let's start with my oneshot now.. *munch munch* Hope you enjoy it Yumie-chin~ *lazy smile*

Yuki: Isn't this Gif just adorable?! I'm like dieing inside and outside from the cuteness! //dies//

(3rd Pov.)

"Ne (Y/n)-chin, want some snacks? If you eat more snacks you grow tall, like me." Murasakibara said while smiling lazily. "I have some Mura-kun, but not to much." (Y/n) said as she takes the snacks Mura handed to her, then starts to eat the snacks. *sparkle sparkle* "Uwah! This is so good~!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she continued to eat her snacks with twinkling eyes. 'Kawaii (Y/n)-chin.' Mura thought as he looked at (Y/n) with sparkles around her, and flowers blooming.

(Your Pov.)

'No wonder why Mura-kun likes snacks so much!' I thought as I kept on eating the snacks he gave me. "Uwah~ So yummy desu ne~" I smiled happily. "Yep (Y/n)-chin, snacks are very yummy and delicious~" I turn to look at Mura-kun who looks at me with a lazy along with cute smile. 'S-so cute!!' I thought as I blushed slightly. "(Y/n)-chin, let's hangout more like this~ Its mwach mwor satifwying" (Its much more satisfying)

I nodded my head in agreement "Sure! How about we meet up tomorrow at this place around 12pm? How about that?" I asked Mura-kun to see if he was fine with it. "Sure (Y/n)-chin, as long as we get to eat snacks together."

~Next Day~

(Mura-kun's Pov.)

'Hopefully Muro-chin's advice will help' I arrived a bit more earlier than what we were suppose to meet up, I wanted to get extra snacks for us. "Ah! Mura-kun! Sorry! Did you have to wait for me for a long time?" I turn to my left and see (Y/n)-chin with boxes of snacks. "Ah, don't wowwy (Y/n)-chwin. I jwest cwame." (Don't worry (Y/n)-chin. I just came) I smiled lazily at (Y/n)-chin as I eat my maibou.

"That's good! Anyways, I brought a whole box of snacks for us!" "That's good~ Snack buddies~" I responded back to (Y/n)-chin while watching her eat joyfully with the snacks. (Yuki: Don't take it the wrong way, not in a creepy way, but it sounds like it. Woops lol)

"Ne , Mura-kun. Aren't you gonna eat your snacks as well?" Shoot, I forgot about my snacks. "Ah~ Thanks (Y/n)-chin for reminding me~" I start eating my snacks as well with twinkling eyes.

~Time Skip to the end of the Day~ (Yuki: By the way, this part is like on a Saturday or Sunday)

(3rd Pov.)

"Ne (Y/n)-chin, can I tell you something?" Mura asks (Y/n) as he walks her back home. "Sure Mura-kun! What is it?" (Y/n) responds back curiously. 'Muro-chin's advice, don't bring me down' Mura thinks.


(3rd Pov.)

"Atsushi, make sure you confess at a comfortable time, like when your walking her back home or something."

"Ah, okay Muro-chin. Thank you for the help."-M

"Also, make sure you're in a quiet or more like peaceful place when confessing too. It'll be weird if you confessed while being in a gigantic crowd, and she won't hear you probably. You got that Atsushi?"-H

"Yes Muro-chin, I got this. But thanks for the advice. Bye."-M


(Mura-kun's Pov.)

"(Y/n)-chin, I like you~ Your the sweetest thing I met~" I smiled lazily at (Y/n)-chin as her face turns red. "Huh? Something wrong (Y/n)-chin?" I asked wondering why her face was red. "I-i Like you too Mura-kun..!" I felt overjoy to hear (Y/n)-chin likes me back. "Hooray~," I hug her gently, afraid to crush her bones. "(Y/n)-chin is all mines now~ No one can touch (Y/n)-chin, if they do I'll crush them"

"Fufufu~ Don't worry Sushi-kun! I'm not that weak!" I look down at (Y/n)-chin to see her looking up at me with a cute smile. "I promise you that we'll be together forever my Giant Snack Buddy!"


Yuki: Hope you liked this Yumieyukii! Hope this wasn't short at all or Mura-kun was out of character! And wow~ 2 updates in one day! Yosh! Well technically in two days but whatever! \(^π^)/ Sorry if your request came late!

Next On The List:

Murasakibara x Reader [Fluff]

Sakurai: Summimasen! But Yuki-chan doesn't remember the rest of the oneshots, scenerios, or what ifs she's gonna do! Summimasen! Next time she'll remember them! B-bye Minna-san!

©Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no basuke. All rightful owners go to Tadatoshi Fujimaki. Nor do I own the gif.

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