Scenerio: You make them Cross-Dress [GoM + Himuro & Takao] Part 2

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Yuki: Herro Everyone~ Welcome to Part 2 of 'You make them cross-dress'! I hope you enjoy this part 2~ Especially a certain Carrot-kun!

Takao: Let's start! I can't wait for Shin-chan's part! *goea Yaoi on Midorima*

Yuki: *laughs* Hai Hai! *cough cough* MidoTaka *cough cough*


(Your Pov.)

"Ne Ne Ne! Daiki! Can you do me one~Favorr~ please~?" I pleaded him whie tugging on his shirt. "Oi (Y/n), what is it then? Better not be so tiring though" My eyes twinkled, but my smile only turned into a dark and 'sweet' smile. "Thank you Daiki~" And with that, I took off with Daiki on my shoulders to the mall. "O-oi! (Y/n)! Le-let me go!!"

~ 3 hours and 35 minutes ~

(3rd Pov.)

"Mou~ Daiki! C'mon! Get out of there!" (Y/n) scolded. "NO WAY-" Aomine yells, but only to have his hand grabbed and pulled out. "Tada! You look... pretty!" (Y/n) complimented sarcasticly as she spinned Aomine around in circles. "OI!! IM NOT THAT UGLY! In fact I think I look pretty.. pretty rad..?" Aomine says as he questions it at the end. "OMFG!! Daiki caught the Ryouta disease!!" (Y/n) points at Aomine, then runs away.

"Ryouta disease..? Heh, Oi (Y/n)! Come back~!" Aomine chirps as he runs after (Y/n), but of course paying for the outfit first. "SOMEONE SAVE ME?!" (Y/n) yells as she continues to run from Ahomine-kun.

Midorima (Yuki: So can't wait for Carrot-kun! I mean his pic is adorable! Lol)

(3rd Pov)

"Hey Shin-chan/Carrot-kun! Cross Dress for us! Or we'll make you!" Takao and (Y/n) grin michievisly as the had their back against eachothers, crossing their arms. "N-no way nanodayo!" Midorima yells as he backs away from them.

"Ehh..~ Well then.. we'll just have to force you into them Shin-chan/Carrot-kun~" Takao and (Y/n) said in sync as they stared straight at Midorima with evil grins, taking steps toward the poor Carrot-man. "Don't be scared Shin-chan/Carrot-kun~" "S-stay away you demons!!" (Yuki: Poor Midorima (not) Ha! I enjoy him being like this, especially this scenerio/situation~ *laughs evily*)

~ After 3 Hours ~

"Shin-chan/Carrot-kun! You look absolutely adorable!!" (Y/n) and Takao said in sync once again while recording this moment. "O-Oi! (Y/n)! Takao! What are you doing! Is that a camera Nanodayo?!" Midorima questions as he think what they were about to do with it.

"Yep Carrot-kun~ and you know what me and Takao-kun are gonna do~ Ne Cousin~?" (Y/n) says micheviously. "Of course~" Takao responded back.

(Your Pov.)

I smiled micheviously at Takao-kun, then began to run away while recording this. "Give it back (Y/N) nanodayo!" I sweatdrop knowing that my carrot boyfriend is mad at me, but I simply smirk and respond back.



(His Pov.)

I continue to munch on my chips as I let (Y/n)-chin tie up my hair into different styles. "Ne Sushi-kun, can I dress you up to go with your hairstyle? I'll buy you more snacks after I'm done dressing you. Promise."

My eyes shine when she mentions something about buying me more snacks. So I nod my head in agreement of dressing me up."Yay~! Sushi-kun gets to have a perfect look~" I smile lazily as I watch (Y/n)-chin skip ahead with sparkles appearing around her small figure.

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