Akashi x Reader: I'll wait for you [Fluff]

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Yuki/Musica: Herro Everyone~ I'm back~ I know its been a while, but here yah go!

(g/s): Gemtsone

"Do you have to leave Seijuro...? I don't wanna be alone... again.." A (h/c)-haired female whimpers quietly as she hid under her blanket covers.

The door creaks open with a worried red-headed male. "Hey (Y/n).. its okay, I'm not gonna be gone forever, its only for 2 years.."

(Y/n) picked up the gentle tone he was using and slowly but not fully came out of the bed covers. "B-but... 2 years.. is so l-long..."

Detecting her heartbroken voice only made Akashi more guilty to leave (Y/n) alone for 2 years. Walking toward her and embracing her small figure.

*sniff sniff*

(Y/n) hugged him back tightly. "Pro-Promise... you'll come back.. f-fine..?" Inhaling his scent for the very last time before he leaves to the airport.

Akashi does the same then pulls apart and smiles gently, kissing her tears away. "I promise okay? Well I have to go now.. take care (Y/n). My one and only Empress."

Capturing her lips in a sweet, yet loving kiss before he left. Pulling back because the lack of air. He smiled sweetly as he put his hand on her cheek, slowly carressing it as one tear streams down his face.

"I'll be back.. I swear.." Forcing himself to pull away from the heartbroken female and walk toward the door with his back turned at her.

(Y/n) simply smiled pitifully at her state, but said in a forced sweetening voice. "Take care.. Seijuro.. I'll wait for you.."


"Hey (Y/n), how have you been recently? Are you getting enough sleep? Eating daily?" (Y/n)'s heart breakens a bit inside hearing his voice, but laughs gently at Akashi acting like a worried parent.

"I'm fine Seijuro, really. I've been getting enough sleep and I've been eating too... fwah~" Yawning slightly at the end.

Akashi frowns a bit and checks Japan's time right now and his eyes widen a bit. "Ah.. sorry (Y/n), seems I've woken you up from your beauty sleep. Go rest okay? You need, there is a test tomorrow isn't there?"

"Indeed you're right Seijuro, but.. its okay. For this one time, I'll stay up. Its been a while since we've talked." Getting away from her desk and going towards the window, staring up into the midnight sky.

"Yes I know its been a while since we've talked, but your health is most important. I wouldn't want my empress t-" Getting cut off all of a sudden by (Y/n).

"Seijuro! I'm fine okay! I.. I wanted to talk to you so bad.. so please let me.." Tears slowly fall down, as she clutches tightly onto the clothing above her heart.

Akashi's heart broke as he arrived at the door. "Don't worry (Y/n)... open the door.. please.."

(Y/n) exits out her room and goes to the door, hesitantly grabbing the door knob, she twists it open, only to have a red-haired male on one knee, with a box in his hand opened with a (g/s) ring.

Akashi dropped his phone, and looked straight up at (Y/n). "Sorry I'm late by a month my dear empress.. but.." Pausing for a bit, but then continuing.

"Will you marry me (Y/n), or should I say Ms.Akashi?"


Hope you guys liked this oneshot! Stay safe and defensive at all times everyone! Sorry if this was short also!

[Actually proof readed because Author is not lazy atm]

©Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke or the characters, all rights to Tadatoshi Fujimaki.

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