What if: They meet their middle school selfs? [GoM]

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T: Teiko
R: Rakuzan
Se: Seirin
K: Kaijo
Sh: Shutoku
Y: Yosen
G: Gakūen
P: Present

Yuki/Musica: Okay, okay. Everybody. Take off your blindfold!

Everybody: *takes off blindfold*

K Kise: W-Woah ssu!! I-its me from when I was in Teiko!

T Kise: Wow ssu~ I look more fabulous! And I've grown some quite too!

T Kuroko: *pouts* I've only grown a bit.

T Akashi: *puts hand on T Kuroko's shoulder* Don't worry Tetsuya, not like I've grown much.  *mutters* which is absolutely horrible.

Y Murasakibara: *munch munch* Grown quite a lot. Here to here. *puts hand on his younger self then lifts it up to his height*

T Murasakibara: Hai *munch munch*

Everybody except the Akashi's and Kuroko's: *sweatdrop* Still the same even back then, but just taller..

R&Se&T Akashi & Kuroko: *muttering* Why haven't we grown taller....

T Aomine: Older me! 1 v 1 me!

G Aomine: Yeah!

Yuki/Musica: The statement seems like, 'the only one who can beat me is me' happening in front of our eyes.

T&G Momoi: Go Dai-chan!

T&Se Kuroko: Which one Momoi-san?

T&G Momoi: *T Momoi dies from Se Kuroko and G Momoi dies from T Kuroko*

T&Sh Midorima: Hmph, nanodayo. *both pushes up glasses*

Takao: Wooaaahhh! Two Shin-chans?! Sugoi! *takes both of their glasses and runs with it*

T&Sh Midorima: Takao/Random person nanodayo!! *chases after him*

Yuki/Musica: Yo, hold up everyone. How about Middle school GoM versus Highschool GoM? That would be.. very.. very.. interesting.. *laughs 'innocently'*

T&R Akashi: There's a plot isn't there?

Yuki/Musica: Hai Hai~ The younger and older version of eachother have to go against eachother. No one else~

T Kise: Aw..~ I can't go against older Aominecchi ssu~!

T Kuroko: I wonder how my passing is improved.

Se Kuroko: Quite a lot actually Teiko me, but stamina is still very bad.

T Kuroko: 40 minutes..

T Akashi: Emperor eye against Emperor eye. Interesting

R Akashi: Indeed younger me. I wonder how father would react to have two sons that are the same but one younger and one older.

Everybody: Right.. Our parents reactions...

Yuki/Musica: Oh, good luck guys. That's your problem to deal with. *( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)b* Jk guys, I bought *cough cough* Threaten someone *cough cough* a house for you young versions of the GoM to live in.

T GoM: *sweatdrop* Hai.. *mutters* That explained the yelling..

P GoM: *looks at younger selfs with a 'You should really shut up now or you're dead' look*

Yuki/Musica: Huh~? Younger GoM, come with me~ I'll show you to your house~ *drags them*

K Kise: Ripu my youngers self ssu.

Se Kuroko: Hai Kise-kun. Bye bye younger me.

R Akashi: *smirks* Don't worry, she can't stand to kill me.

Sh Midorima: Cause you're her favorite character nanodayo. Favorism.

Y Murasakibara: *walking away with Himuro to get more snacks*

*Distance Yelling*



??: This is an enjoyable sight.

??: I can't run... anymore.. *faints*

??: My snacks... MEH MAIBOU!


??: Please no! Not my photobook of Tetsuya!!

??: *laughs* I love seeing people suffer (Aka, me being a sadist)

P GoM: *walks away like nothing happened*

Se Kuroko: *shivers* Why did I felt like momoi has this really creepy photo book obsession over me..

Kagami:  Hah?


Yuki/Musica: Hope ya guys liked that What if~ I had a lot of fun writing this (/-w-)/ Man was this chapter short. Lol

Not been proof-read cause I'm lazy and a procrasinater

©Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no basuke, All rights go to Tadatoshi Fujimaki.

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