Scenerio: They break/lost your item [GoM] (Part 1)

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Yuki: So guys, I'm kind of gonna switch on how I write time from time now. Hope it doesn't confuse you!

Akashi: Ring (Lost)


"Hm.?" Akashi stops playing, and turns around only to see a red box, with no ring inside like it usually does. (Aka, you guys are married)

"I'm done taking a shower Sei! I have the bath ready- Sei? Is something wrong..?" (Y/n) asks concernly, with an worried expression.

"Nothings wrong (Y/n), everything is fine."Akashi assures with a calm composure.

(Y/n) belives in his lie and nods her head with a smile. "Okay Sei! Now have you seen a red box with my ring?" She asks.

Akashi gulps, thinking 'Crap, that must have been the red box I used to propose to her with. And she must have put her ring in there when showering, to prevent it from falling or slipping off.. I need to find that ring now!'

"Sei? You here?" (Y/n) questioned, waving her hand in front of his face.

"I'm here (Y/n), and afraidly no I have not seen a red box with your wedding ring." He says, breaking his train of thought.

"Aw.. Okay Sei, I'm going to go search for it now, so bye!" She said as she ran down the hall to the library.

'I better find the ring fast, and hide the box, before she discovers I lost her ring and was hiding the box so that she would discover no ring inside' Akashi sighs, then calls some people.

"Testuya, Shintaro, Daiki, Ryouta, Atsushi, and Satsuki. Come over to the house tomorrow at 8am sharp. Don't be late."

~Next Day~

"What did you need Akashicchi ssu?" Kise asks.

"I need you all to help me find something" Akashi answered back.

"What is it Nanodayo?" Midorima questions, drinking some water.

"I need you all to help me find (Y/n)'s wedding ring." He admitts.

"(Y/n)/cchi/chan/chin's wedding ring?!?!?!?" They all yell in sync.

Akashi sighs, "Yes, while playing violin, I accidently bumped into the box with (Y/n)'s ring and it must have fell out somewhere."

The gang immeditly start looking for the ring, thinking. 'We have to find that ring now! Or (Y/n) is gonna be super depressed about it! And we hate seeing her cry.'

~6 hours later~

"I found it ssu!!" Kise yells, holding the ring.

"Good job Ryouta." Akashi compliments, taking the ring and putting it into the red box, then setting it on the table lamp near their bed.


"I'm home Sei." (Y/n) says, taking off her shoes and putting away her jacket.

"Welcome back (Y/n)." Akashi charmingly smiles, acting as if nothing happened.

"Gosh Sei, its like we're back in highschool because of that smile of yours~" (Y/n) mentions, snapping back to reality. Only to see the GoM behind Akashi.

"Hi (Y/n)-cchi! Been a while huh ssu!" Kise chirps happily.

"Woah woah woah.. Sei! You invited guest over?! Why didn't you tell me! I'll go make some snacks and tea for us!" (Y/n) rushes past them, but to be grabbed by the wrist.

"Honey, I found your ring by the way. Its in the bedroom." Alashi whispers, letting go of her wrist.

"Arigato Sei!" (Y/n) flashes smile then runs toward the bedroom. But trips, making everybody sweatdrop.

"Still clumsy as ever.." Akashi mutters, having the corners of his mouth lift up slightly.

Kise: Phone (Break)


"This selfie is horrible!" Kise says in horror, then taking another selfie after another.

~5 Hours Later~

"Finally ssu! I got a perfect selfie!!" Kise cheered. Until....

*Bwoosh!* (Very sucky noise for exploding)

Kise looked at the phone, only to see something so horrible.

"Th-the phone exploded!!! Nuuuuuu!! My perfect selfie!!!" Kise cried, but realizing.

"Isn't this (Y/n)-cchi's phone? Oh no!!! I broke her phone!!!" Kise screamed horrified, unknowing what (Y/n) would do to him for breaking her phone.

"Ryouta! I'm back from work." (Y/n) enters the house, opening the door to the living room. "Ryouta... What did you do this time??" She questions.

"I did n-nothing (Y/n)-cchi!!" Kise lies, hiding the phone behind his back.

(Y/n) raises a brow and inches closer to Kise, "Are you sure Ryouta? What are you hiding exactly?" She questions, making Kise feel really fearful and nervous.

"Wahhh!!! I'm sorry (Y/n)-cchi!!!!" Kise wails, showing the 'broken' phone that has smoke coming out of it.

"Ryouta... you broke my phone?? You.. IDIOT!!!" Grabbing her phone and tossing it to the couch, then tackling down Kise and tickling him.

"N-Noooo!!! Ssuu!! Pw-Pwahaha ssu!!" Kise's soul slowly floating away from laughter.

"Does anyone feel like someone is about to die?" Kuroko asks Kagami.

"Maybe its that blonde, Kise" Kagami answers

Midorima: Bracelet (Lost)

"Carrot~! Take care of my bracelet okay~! It is Cancers lucky item today~" (Y/n) chirped, handing Midorima her bracelet, and taking his glasses.

"I'll be taking these glasses~ It is my lucky item~!" Running off, leaving behind the male sighing in annoyance.

"-sighs- Today will indeed be challenging without my glasses nanodayo..." Midorima muttered, putting on the bracelet.

~Next Day~

"SHINTARO... Where is my bracelet??" A dark tone from behind, making the carrot shiver a bit but pushes up his glasses.

"Its on the dresser in our room (Y/n) nanodayo." He repsonded, not glancing one bit at the now fiery female, hoping she isnt going to do anything horrible to him.

"I already checked Shintaro, perhaps... you lost it you idiotic carrot? That bracelet was gaven to me by you when you first confessed to me! I can't lose it now..." Falling onto her knees, and bursting into tears.

Midorima turns around, with eyes widen. "(Y-Y/n)...I-I..." Hugging (Y/n) and inhaling her shampoo scent. "We-Well.. I couldn't see without my glasses, so I-I have no idea where it i-is nanodayo.."

Remaining silent, all of a sudden. (Y/n) gets up and smirks evily, holding up her wrist with her bracelet. "Just kidding~ I wanted to see how you react my little carrot-kun~"

Running away, Midorima only yells. "(Y/N) NANODAYO!!!!"

Chasing after her, (Y/n)'s smirk only gets wider and brings out her secret weapon.

"Takao-kun go!" Throwing Takao at Midorima, then yelling. "You dudes should kiss!!" Laughing evily as she ran away.


Yuki/Musica: *laughs nervously* Yo everybody, been a while since I last updated on this book but yeah. I will work on the 2 part and update it perhaps 2 weeks or 1 week from now on. I will alos make a bonus part of Omake for all of them since I am lazy to do it on the parts lol. Hope ya guys like this part. Very short if I had to say so myself

Not been proof read cause lazyness.

©Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke, all rights go to Tadatoshi Fujimaki.

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