A/N: Drawing Kuroko (Ep.45)

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Kise: If you can't tell, Yukicchi ssu is super duper happy finally finishing this drawing that took less than a day ssu!

Yuki: So I happen to stumble across this face of Kuroko while rewatching Knb again. And I was like. 'I have to draw this for no apparent reason!' So I did, and I'm super proud of it! :3 Sorry if the lighting is horrible, my phone is horrible Lol.

Kuroko: Yuki-chan worked really hard on it even though It took her 2-5 hours to draw it. Riko's slap hurted.

Yuki: Don't worry readers! I'm working on the oneshots. Probably should take 3-4 days maybe to finish one oneshot, since I'm not that creative at the moment.

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