Kise x Singer!Model! Reader [Fluff]

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Yuki: This is gonna be 3rd Pov. All the way to downtown- //gets shot after finishing sentence//

Everybody was talking about the new singer that had just released her new album, doing an duet with another singer. The new singer's name was (f/sn) [Aka, Fake singer name]. However, she did some how captivated a certain blonde-haired male at Kaijo Highschool~

But here's the problem, (f/sn) is actually (Y/n), the honor student and student council president of Kaijo high. The total opposite act and look than (f/sn).

(F/sn) acts (p/t) [Aka, Personality Trait] and has (h/s) [Aka, Hair style]. While on the other hand, (Y/n) has (p/t) and (h/s). So no one could guess it could be her, who is (f/sn).

"Uwah~ (F/sn)-cchi singing is so good! And this is her first debut! Wow ssu!" Kise exclamied as he listened to the song over and over. "Is that so Kise-kun?" (Y/n) questioned, sqeuling in the inside knowing that her childhood crush likes her singing.

"Yeah ssu!! She is such an amazing singer ssu! I wish I could see one of her futre concerts, but I'm always so busy ssu. But I do havfe another wish... It's to model with her!" Kise said, from a whining expression. To a dreaming and hoping expression.

"Kise-kun, maybe you will model with her. You never know."
(Y/n) mysteriously says, causing the blonde to get his hopes up a whole lot.

"Really ssu?! That would make me so happy if she did desu!! And you say the most mysterious stuff (Y/n)-cchi! And everytime you do say mysterious stuff, it always happens! How do you do that?"

Kise questions. (Y/n) just shakes her head side to side, "I just guess usually, some I may know, but most I do not know Kise-kun." She answered back.

Kise just nods his head, not taking a chance to make a horrible mistake, causing the female to hit him 'gently'. "I see ssu!" Then the bell rings, and everybody takes a seat.

~ Very Lazy, so time skip after school, which is Kise's photoshoot timu~

"Kise! You're modeling with someone who had requested you! And you can't believe who it is!" Kise's manager exclaimed, squeling.

Kise tilted his head curiously to know who this 'she' is. "Who is she ssu?" He questioned, but to be ignored. "I got ignored ssu.." Sulking a bit.

Then bam! The door opens, revealing a (h/c)-haired female standing proudly with a giant smile on her face. "Wow! You must be Kise Ryota! Right?" She said as she held the male's hand gentle.

Kise couldn't believe it, in front of him was thee, (f/sn). But what caught him off was that her (e/c) orbs, were the same as his childhood friend's orbs.

"(Y/n)-cchi?" He asked unintentionally. "(Y/n)-cchi? Who is that? You must have mistaken me as your friend I'm guessing. Right Kise-kun?" She answered back, making the male feel a bit nauseous how she prounced his name.

"Ah, sorry (f/sn)-cchi! I was just reminded how similar you are to my friend (Y/n)-cchi ssu! Sorry!" He apologized, embarrased that he embarrased himself in front of his now all time favorite singer.

"Its okay Kise-kun. Sometimes I get mistaken for different people time to time." She admitted, but really thinking 'That was a close one for sure, I thought he saw through my singer disguise.'

"Hey you two! Get ready and let's start shooting some pics! And the theme is couples! But sexy!" The director yelled at the two. Kise and (Y/n) looked at eachother and seperated their way.

~ (Y/n)'s Side ~

"(Manager's name), I almost got caught by Kise-kun, my real identity.." (Y/n) confessed, (Manager's name) laughed. "Maybe you should have put on contacts and not call him how you usually call him." (She/He) suggested.

"But its already too late. He now knows how I look. Can't turn back from where I am now." (Y/n) wisely said, then getting up since the clothing and make up was done. "Good luck out there
(Y/n)~" (Managers name) chirped.

~Kise's side~

"Wahhhhh!!! I can't belive I made an mistake, mistaking (f/sn) as (Y/n)-cchi ssu!!" Kise whined loudly. "Sheesh Kise, calm down. She already forgave you so don't worry." (Whatever Kise's manager's name is XD) said calmly. "And you should stop moving, the stylist is having a hard time styling you." (She/he?) mentions.

"Wah! Sorry ssu!" Kise apologizes to the stylist then stays straight up. "Kise, you do realize your make up is done right? All the were styling was your hair, and they had just finished when you apologized." "Ehhhh!!! No way! But if I'm done, I should go ssu!"

Kise says before leaving the room.

~Photoshoot Time!~

"Perfect! Great pose! Sexy!" The photographer said, taking photos of their current pose. (Y/n) was under Kise, smirking seductively and pulling him down with his tie, causing Kise to have his face very close to (Y/n)'s face.

"Okay! Next pose!" (Y/n) and Kise sighed in relief, but realize they have to do another pose. That seemed to be a bit awkward.. 

"No No No! Wrong wrong! Be more closer!" The photographer demanded, as he wanted the young female and male to kiss.

(Y/n) shifted more closer to Kise having one of her arms hooked around his neck, while having the other one holding his hand. Meanwhile, Kise was holding (Y/n)'s leg that was purposely lifted up and is holding her hand.

"Like this?" (Y/n) asks, not wanting to get any closer to Kise. "Are we close enough ssu?" Kise asks, finishing the sentence or completing it fully.

While Kise and (Y/n) were still having troubles with this position. (Kise's manager's name which is whatever) and (Your manager's name) decide to take this in the matter of their hands.

Both of them walk up to where Kise and (Y/n) are, (Kise's manager's name) walks behind Kise, while (Your manager's name) walks up behind (Y/n).

"3, 2, 1. Push!" They both say, pushing Kise and (Y/n) together, closing the space between them, then moving out of the shoot.

Both (Y/n) and Kise have their eyes widen but soon relax into the kiss.


"Perfect! That's thats a wrap for today!" The director says. (Y/n) and Kise pull apart from eachother, with crimons faces.

"That was.. nice ssu.." Kise bashfully said, looking another way. "Um.. Kise-kun, I have something to confess..." (Y/n) says, turning towards Kise and taking off her shades.

"(Y/n)-cchi!!?!?!?!" Kise says, shocked from the news that she's his childhood friend. "Yep Kise-kun, its me (Y/n)." (Y/n) responds with a smile across her face, that had a tint of flesh pink on it.

All of a sudden, Kise hugs her, "(Y/n)-cchi. I love you ssu! I have ever since we were kids!" He confesses suddenly, caughting the  (h/c)-haired female off guard.

"I-I do too Kise-kun.." (Y/n) replies, hugging back the blonde that is now crushing her bones with joy. "Hooray! Me and (Y/n)-cchi are a thing!!" He cheered with joy, squeezing the female in hapiness.

"Y-youre crushing.... my bones... Kise-kun.." (Y/n) says, losing her soul slowly. "Wahh!!! Sorry (Y/n)-cchi ssu!!!" Kise apologizes, letting her go.


Yuki: Hey guys! Sorry for not much updates (-3-)/ I'm being really lazy and procrasinating to write. But in 1 month and 2 weeks? I have summer! So then I can hopefully write more and update more!

©Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no basuke, all rights go to Tadatoshi Fujimaki. Nor do I own the picture.

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