Himuro x Reader: Sleepover [Fluff & Requested]

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Yuki: Herro everyone~ Requester Person: @MochiMochiSenpai
Thank you for requesting~ I hope Himuro isn't ooc, but anyways~ Let's start with the oneshot! Sorry if its really late [π^π]/ Summimasen ssu... Ben sew crazy (lazy)

(3rd Pov.)

"Hey (Y/n), I was wondering if you would like to have a sleepover, just the two of us. Like when we used too back in America as kids.." Himuro asked (Y/n), while rubbing the back of his neck embarrasingly.

"I don't mind Tatsuya~!" (Y/n) chirped happily as she skipped down the hall with Himuro. "How about after school, I go back to my house and get my clothes, then when I call you after I'm done packing up. You can go pick me up at my house and go to your house." Himuro nods his head as he exits the school, seperating from (Y/n). But thinking while looking toward the light crimson sky,

'Hopefully she doesn't take long packing... like always...'

(Your Pov.)

"Hm... what should I pack?! This really cute white dress and a blue jacket?! Or this brown pants with a white shirt, along with a different kind of blue jacket?!" (In the picture above, and yes. Fictional Fashion, Aladdin XD)

I sigh, but then I hear a voice speak from the other side. "(Y/n)! You in here?" I immeditly recognized that voice 'Tatsuya?! Then I must have..' I look at my clock above my desk. "7:34pm?!?! Already?!?!" I yell, then cover my mouth and respond back to Tatsuya.

"Y-Yes I am in here Tatsuya! Sorry I made you wait! I'm just debating what I should bring!" I apologize, then hear a chuckle and the door opening, seeing a half naked Himuro standing where the dooe is with a smile. "Is that so? I suggest the one with the white dress and blue jacket."

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" He ponders, wondering why I'm covering my eyes and facing another direction. "Y-Youre h-half naked!" I embarassingly say, throwing a over-large shirt at his face (The shirt is over large for you, and reg. size for him).

"Eh? What do you mean (Y/n), back when we were little. I would always be half-naked and you would be fine and act regular." Himuro countered, putting on the shirt.

"B-But! We're different from back then! I-I mean.." (Y/n) cuts herself before finishing her sentence. "I mean? What was it (Y/n)? How about we have a sleepover at your place, since I'm already here? And have a bag of clothes ready." Himuro suggested, making (Y/n) sigh. "Does that mean I didn't have to pack up?!"

~After Putting away all the clothing and etc.~

"Finally done~" (Y/n) chirped, as she fell onto her soft bed. Himuro chuckles then gets on top of (Y/n), staring right into her (e/c) orbs.

"T-Tatsuya?! What are y-you doing?!" Himuro only smiles. "Baka, isn't it obvious. That I like you, and besides. At least I beat Taiga on getting your heart." Closing the gap between them.


-Mother's name-: *takes a pic and sends it to Kagami*


Kuroko: Kagami-kun, you got a message.

Kagami: Huh? *checks phone* Oh, I'm happy for you Tatsuya. But why does he get all the girls?!

Himuro: *breaks the kiss and turns his head sideways and sneezes 3x*

(Y/n): Someone must be talking about you Tatsuya. Or you're sick.

-Father's name-: Tatsuya boy, you've grown a lot to be able to be on top of (Y/n) you know.

(Y/n): Mother! Father! (///^\\\)

Yuki: Sorry for the long wait MochiMochiSenpai Been soooo lazy xP (and you know it too xD) hope ya like this chapter peeps. I feel like this was shorter than I had expected it to be XD Well Bai Bai~

Has no been proof read due to lazyness

©Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no basuke, all rights go to Tadatoshi Fujimaki. Nor do I own the pic

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