For me it was different.

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Not proofread, all chapters will be fixed in the final edit.

Dedicated to hoodiemonster for being my first commenter!


Going to university is a scary thing for any teenager.

You become a lot more independent and no longer rely on your parents, or in my case, parent, to look after you. You can't rely on them to wash and iron your clothes, tidy your room and make you dinner, you have to do everything yourself.

For me it was different. I was used to it, I was used to making my own bed, washing and ironing my own clothes and from the age of 14 i was already used to making my own money. You see when i was 7 my mum passed away meaning myself, as well as 4 my brothers, felt the need to help out as much as possible because we understood that although we were grieving over the loss of our mother our father would be grieving over the loss of not only his wife but his best friend.

"Kiron, hurry up, we need to leave just now so we can get there on time!" Dad called up the stairs. We were leaving for London today, London is where I was going for university, where i would be studying fashion design, it had always been my dream to be a fashion designer since I was a little girl, I may not have been the girliest of girls but when it came to fashion I always liked to have my own twist on the latest trends.

"Just packing my final bits and pieces" I called back. Down stairs waiting was my 2 brothers that still lived with us and my best friend, Colette.

Colette and I met when we were 4; starting primary school. That was the first day we started talking and we never stopped since then, we had the craziest amount of arguments over the slightest things, it was quite funny looking back, to be honest, but back then we pulled out the scariest of threats no child wants to hear, you're not coming to my birthday party. To be honest i think that threat is the only reason we continued to make up, but didn't all children do that?

I scanned my bedroom once again, it looked so empty. All of the usual mess was no longer there but either binned, sent to a charity shop or it was coming on a massive adventure to London with me. I closed the notes page on my phone, i had two pages set with a checklist for my belongings. One was for my backpack and the other for my suitcases, I had already ticked everything off for my suitcase page so i flicked over to the backpack one, I had everything, perfect. I guess that's what I get for being the organised one in the family

I grabbed my earphones, putting them in my pocket with my phone and descending the stairs with just my backpack on my back.

When i got to the final step I was pounced on by my 10 year old brother, Nico. Nico was the youngest of all of us, my brothers and I all looked very alike, he was tall with dark hair and big brown eyes. The only difference i had from my brothers (other than being female) was that I was small, like my mum's side of the family.

Nico eventually let go after I gave him a massive hug and told him how much i love him and will miss him, I wasnt lying when i said this I did love him and I also loved my other three brothers, too, they played a massive role in my upbringing although my two oldest brothers live in England now.

Before i could even consider doing anything else Colette jumped on me wrapping her arms around my neck and legs around my waist thank God she's light! i thought to myself as I placed her down onto the floor and hugged her tight.

"I can't believe you're moving to London" Colette sighed, pulling back and looking into my eyes, she stood only a mere 1 inch taller than me at 5ft 4. She flicked her auburn coloured hair from hair face before sighing.

"I can't believe you're moving to France!" Was my reply to Colette's comment. Colette had always wanted to move to France, French was a second language to her and since she got offered the opportunity to go there and open her own bakery she took up on the offer.

"I'll miss you'" Colette shyly smiled, I responded with the usual 'I'll miss you too' before giving her one final hug goodbye and entering my dad's range rover where he and my brothers were waiting for me. I sighed, goodbye Scotland.

Now starts my huge adventure to London, to move into my new home and meet my new room mates and then in two weeks time start university. To say  i was nervous could of possibly been the understatement of the century.

Halfway there i sighed as I looked at the clock on my dads car bonnet, we had been driving for three hours now and as much as I love my family spending three hours in a confined space with them was very challenging. Nico was mid sugar rush as we had stopped at McDonald's and he got a McFlurry along with his happy meal, so I guess you can imagine how hard it would be to sit in the back of a car with a hyper active 10 year old. My older brother, Francisco (or Chico as we call him)  sat in the passenger seat next to my dad who was driving us down.

Chico, just like Nico was tall, he had dark skin and dark hair. All of my friends from school thought it was appropriate to have a crush on my older brother even though he is five years older, I guess it's just a hormonal teenager thing. Chico is now 22 and is a mechanic working on starting his own business.

"Are you excited, Princess?" Dad called to the back, directing his question at me. You see my dad goes all out with the pet names towards me, I suppose it's because I am his only girl and he is protective towards me more than he is my brothers not to say that he doesn't love them as much because he sure as hell loves us all crazy amounts.

"Yeah, I can't wait!" I replied excitedly, I wasn't even lying, I was ecstatic to be moving  to London, it was a once in a life time opportunity for me and as it had always been so expensive I never believed I would go but when I found out how reasonably priced the rent would be for the place I'm moving into I felt it was necessary to beg my dad to even consider it. Eventually he caved allowing me to email the owner of the house and come to an agreement that I would be able to move into their spare room with them. Although, there was one small detail my dad didn't agree with...

I'd be moving in with three boys.

Again I pestered and pestered my dad persuading him that all of the males I would be living with were gay, which I don't know if it was a lie or not considering I haven't even met them yet. Eventually dad was fine with it. Phew, I had already told them I was moving in!

With my father, brothers, friends and family on board and all over the moon that I got a placement at the university of London I was on my way to take the next step to my future.

Whilst I thought over in my head at how perfect everything would be my older brother disturbed my thoughts, "no sleeping around, no parties, no boys, no alcohol and no drugs" I bet you thought I was kidding when I said my family were over protective, I wasn't!

"I promise, I won't even think about it. My mind is going to be focused on my future and boys are a complete no no."

Oh boy was I wrong... 



Emma here!

Please tell me what you think of my story. For a while on my other account I had been writing fanfiction but felt I wanted to start wrting proper stories so I decided to write this. I know this is a stereotypical storyline but I promise I will change it up a little and add a little spice to it to make it more enjoyable for you.

I understand the first chapter isn't the best but for the first three(ish) it will be all about introducing the main characters!

It would mean the absolute world to me if you would drop me a vote and leave a comment telling me what you think and who should play the characters! 

Until next time! x

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