"What are you all doing here?!"

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 I didn't go to university today, I really wasn't in the mood. I know I should be going everyday and making sure I have all of my notes and everything I need to help me pass but my mind just wasn't in the right place this morning and I really wanted to be all by myself.

I didn't have a clue where I was going this morning when I left the house I just kind of followed random cars and eneded up here, at a park. In this autumn weather the park looked beautiful. Crisp orange and brown coloured leaves had fallen from the large trees that surrounded the winding path that flows around the large loch*. The crisp breeze hit me where my skin was showing and made my nose and the tips of my ears an innocent shade of red. The park was empty except for a few dog walkers, I liked it here, it was peaceful.

I checked the time on my phone realising it was now half past three in the afternoon I decided to head home .


When I unlocked the door I didn't quite expect the welcome I recieved, everyone ruched up to me and hugged me, all mumbling things like 'where the hell have you been' and 'we've been worried sick' and to be quite honest this gave me a warm feeling inside knowing some people actually cared of my where-abouts. 

I always thought that it would only be my family that cared for me that way but when I moved here to London I realised that after letting ym barriers down and allowing myself to make friends that those friends actually cared for me and loved me the way a real friend would. These friends didn't know about my past and they accepted me and I know that if one day I do tell them about my past they will see past it and accept me the way I am.

I heard someone clear their and looked up to see my dad standing with my four brothers and my first ever best friend. Seeing these guys brought a massive smile to my face and I sprinted to gather them all in a group hug.

"What are you all doing here?!" I screamed with excitement. All of my sadness from earlier on today disapeared and I couldn't stop the bubble of happiness that was building inside of me.

"We couldn't miss your 18th birthday could we? What kind of family would that make us?" Paolo, my oldest brother said jokingly.

I stepped back and took the people standing in front of me in. My four brothers, Paolo, aged 27, Marco, aged 25, Antonio, aged 22 and Nico, aged 10. I looked beside them and saw my childhood best friend, Colette standing next to my dad, Martin.

These people were my past and if it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't be here living my dream in London with my new friends, other people who love me.

"Why aren't you in France?" I asked Colette. Colette had moved to France when I moved to London to open a bakery with her cousin, she had always dreamed of living the fancy Paris life.

"I couldn't miss your 18th! What kind of chummy would that make me?" Colette joked as she pulled me into a tight embrace.

After all of the welcomings were over we all sat down and my family and Colette met my new friends, everyone seemed to be going great and Colette would even be staying with me for a week whilst my dad, Nico and Antonio stayed at my brother Marco's house.


 Everyone had left the house now except for Colette.

My flatmates had all gone to bed now and Colette and I were sitting in my room having a catch up. I had missed Colette a lot and I knew even though we were apart a lot I could still tell her everything.

"Colette, do you remember the guy?" We had given the boy who had saved me that day the nickname of 'the guy' it wasn't very imaginitive and there was no reasoning behind it but we though it suited.

"Yeah, the one that helped you?"

"Yeah, I was thinking about him today" I plainly replied. I didn't want to go into too much detail as I didn't want Colette thinking I was getting down again... I could fight it myself.

"Did you ever call him?" After this question and me replying 'no' we went on to have a heated discussion about me not wanting to call him and Colette wanting me to call him. Colette won.

I scrolled through my contacts looking for his number, I know he had probably changed it by now but I would like to call him and maybe see if he remembered.

It rang and rang until a beautiful, tired voice answered, "Hello?"


I recognised that voice.




I know this chapter isn't the best but I have absolutely zero motivation to write just now, I promise I will hopefullly get started back up soon

Kiron's brothers - cast - Domenique Melchior as Paolo

                                           -  Marlon Teixeira as Marco

                                          - Ash stymest as Antonio

                                         - Davis Cleveland as Nico

* A loch is a Scottish word for river.

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