The Biggest Smile Hides The Most Tears

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Ugh, I feel so ill!

Leaning into the toilet I was sick for the fourth time this morning. I felt awful, I think it was something I ate at the restaurant with Liam last night.

Brilliant. I got food poisoning on a first date.

"Hurry up!" A male voiced called from the right side of the bathroom, it was Noah's room so obviously the male voice shouting for a shower and saying if I didn't hurry up he would knock the door down was Noah.

I slowly lifted myself from the floor feeling like I wouldn't be sick anymore and opened the door.

Noah gave me a once over at this moment in time I honestly didn't care that I was stood in front of him wearing only an old, oversized shirt and my hair was all over the place seeing as I hadn't brushed it since getting out of bed around 1 hour ago.

I was too ill to care.

"What's up with you?" Noah asked nonchalantly.

"I have foo-" Before I could even finish what I was saying I was at the toilet, only a mere 1 metre from where I was standing and being sick. Again.

To my surprise Noah was holding my messy hair back and rubbing my back soothingly. He was being nice!

I sat back, not even caring where I landed, turns out it was in between Noah's legs, he wrapped his arms around my waist, thinking he was going to try something I went to protest, "Do you honestly think I would try something on you after I have just witnessed you throwing your guts up?"

I thought about it for a moment before shrugging, “I guess not.”

“Good.” After saying such a short reply he quickly stood up and walked over to the bath.

In all honestly, I love this apartment, it’s a perfect size. Each of us have a rather large room, the living and dining space is great, the bathroom is pretty large and we have all the facilities 4 students could possibly need.

“What are you doing?” I managed to groan as I felt a migraine coming on. Great.

“Have a bath; it might make you feel a bit better.” Noah replied before lifting the bubble bath and squirting some of the gooey liquid into the nice, warm water that had started to pour into the large white tub.

After around 4 minutes and 51 seconds (it got awkward between me and Noah and I started to count how long it took) my bath was finally filled.

“Get in then.” Noah smirked at me.

“Get out then.” I replied cheekily.

Noah just smiled a real, proper smile and left me to the warmth of my bath.

Unbuttoning my old checkered shirt and removing my underwear I climbed into the steaming bath and instantly I felt more relaxed.

Just as I closed my eyes and put my head back the door burst open, “I have to pee.”

“Noah!” I screamed instantly feeling self conscious, I knew he couldn’t see any of my naked body due to the mass of bubbles in the tub but I still covered my private parts.

Walking over to the toilet as if nothing was wrong about our current situation Noah began to pee, luckily our toilet was against the wall and Noah would have to have his back facing me in order for him to pee or else I would have seen a lot more than I bargained for.

I’m not denying that Noah is attractive I mean he has that perfectly sculpted body, the dark skin the shines in the light making you want to touch it to see if it’s actually real, his chestnut brown hair that always looks effortlessly perfect and makes you just want run your hands through it, overall, he looks photo shopped.

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