Don't ever spoon me again

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I slowly opened my eyes and felt something heavy wrapped around my waist. I was on the most uncomfortable position and I really needed a wee. My back hurt so much from the way I was lying and whatever was wrapped round my waist was directly on my bladder making the urge to pee even stronger. Trying to move seemed more of a task than it should have been so I decided that rolling, pretty much throwing myself, off of the couch was my only option.


Bad idea.

"What are you doing?" Asked a deep, tired, male voice from the couch I had been lying on. At this point I realised that it was Noah's arm that was around my waist. Great, we were spooning.

"Getting out of your grasp, don't ever spoon me again!" I warned. I really don't care how attractive I find him he does not have my permission to spoon me.

"So, you decided rolling off of the sofa, rolling onto the floor, probably bruising that sexy little ass of yours was better than lifting my arm and getting to your feet?" Noah said tiredly, his morning voice was so sexy, "well that was stupid."

"Your arm's heavier than it looks." I moaned like a moody teenager as I got to my feet and walked to my new bedroom.

Last night had really been fun, Jacob and Lucas' girlfriends had come over and they really welcomed me nicely. We decided we should have a day of shopping or go to lunch together one day to get to know eachother without the boys being around and of course so we could have a proper girl-y gossip day. Surprisingly the girls hadn't been too fussed about their boyfriends having a girl live with them.

Zara was Lucas' girlfriend; she was very pretty with long dark brown hair and chiselled facial features. She was very petite, both in figure and in height standing at only 5ft 1" meaning she was a full foot shorter than Lucas. It is actually adorable!

To be honest, when you initially look at Zara and Lucas you wouldn't expect them to be a couple. Lucas was so geeky, with his crazy curly hair, a few tattoos and he never had his head out of a good book. Zara seemed like the complete opposite to this, but for some reason they are absolutely perfect for one another. Well, you know what they say, don't judge a book by its cover!

Then there was Claire, Jacob's girlfriend. Claire was beautiful, she had long, sand coloured hair which came to just below her shoulder blades. Her face was perfectly sculpted and she had the most perfectly tanned skin ever, my slightly pale self could only feel jealous about this. Claire and Jacob were a match made in heaven, both attractive enough to pass as models, in my opinion.

After I had been to the bathroom and had a quick shower I went into my bedroom to get changed, I quickly blasted my long brown hair with the hair dryer, my hair came to about my middle back and I loved it. My hair was probably my favourite feature as I didn't really like myself that much. My eyes are a bright blue colour, I had been told they were nice, I still didn't like them. I had a structured chin, chubby cheeks and large smile. I had a curvy figure, shaped hips and quite a decent sized chest.

I put on some dark blue boyfriend jeans with a black and white striped top. I walked out of my bedroom after tying my hair up in a high pony tail. Once I had opened my door I heard the boys talking, they were talking quietly which made me curious. I decided to listen in as I felt they were talking about me, I know, I'm paranoid.

Turns out they were talking about me.

"So, anything happen between you two last night?" Jacob winked at Noah suggestively. I knew he was referring to Noah and I as after Jacob, Lucas and their girlfriends had went to bed me and Noah stayed up to watch a few re-runs of Sun, Sex and Supicious Parents.

"We fell asleep on the couch, woke up spooning" Noah smiled proudly.

"I honestly don't think playing your stupid 'Bad Boy' games with Kiron is a good idea, she seems strong-hearted and I don't think she'd take it." Lucas argued, taking a sip of his fresh orange juice.

He was going to play me? As in try and get me to sleep with him? Oh, that most certainly won't be happening! I solemnly swore to my dad and brother's that I won't let boys get into my head and distract me; I wasn't going against that promise for a silly boy like Noah. Not only that but I had promised myself I wouldn't get into any relationships after my last boyfriend.

My last relationship was a tough one. I wasn't able to just break up with him; he was possessive, cruel and abusive and he led me to a very dark, difficult pint in my life. I never told people about my past unless I trusted them meaning the only people who knew were my dad, brothers and after a long time I told Bonnie. No one else could ever find out.

"Josh! Stop it! Please? You're hurting me!" My boyfriend, Josh had gotten really drunk again. This wasn't the first time, he was 17, I was 15. I know I shouldn't be with an older guy but no matter how hard I tried to get out of this relationship he would just sweet talk me, tell me he was sorry, that he loved me and it wouldn't happen again. And I accepted that. You know why? Because I am a stupid teenager. I thought I loved him, I thought we were going to grow old together and be happy, get married and start a family.

Silly me.

"I'm hurting you? Good! You deserve it! You're ugly, fat and worthless, no-one will ever love you so stop trying to leave me or you will die alone like the worthless piece of shit you are!" Josh roared, his breath was hot on my face and he spat slightly on my face as he shouted at me. Josh's words made me realise that he was the reason I hated myself, why I hated my body.

"I'd rather die alone than be with you for the rest of my life!" I cried. Big. mistake.

His strong fist hit me square on the jaw, it was so forceful I fell back against the wall behind me, I slid down it and cried harder, I sobbed, my heart was broken and I just wanted someone who cared for me to be here by my side.

A tear fell down my face as I heard Lucas' voice from the kitchen area, "Hey, Alex. Do you want some breakfast? I make a mean bowl of cereal"

I wiped the tears that had begun falling from my face and nodded my head towards Lucas, smiling as he began to get bowls from the cupboard to pour our cereal.

"Have you been crying?" Jacob asked me curiously, his perfectly shaped eyebrows joined together in a frown.

"I just yawned, made my eyes water." I lied. After being in an abusive relationship you learn how to lie, especially when it comes to your feelings.

Mmmmm, coco pops, my favourite. I thought as I dug into my cereal that Lucas had just poured me.

"So how old are you guys?" I asked the boys, I know, random question, but I just wanted to make a conversation to get rid of the awkward silence that surrounded us as we ate.

"We're all 19, you?" Noah replied, flashin me a small, sexy smirk. Ugh this boy is hot.

"17" I replied shyly, before sarcastically moaning, "Not fair, I'm always the baby!"

"I'll make you feel like a woman." Noah flirted with a small wink, thus making me choke on my cereal.

Taking a sip of my apple juice, I replied, "I'll pass."

As Jacob and Lucas sat trying to hold in their laughter at Noah getting rejected, Noah and I had a stare off, not a flirtatious one but an evil one, glaring at each other as if to say, game on.

I can see this is going to end badly.

Noah will flirt, make me feel good about myself, I'll let my barrier fall down, do something I'll regret and voila', I've been used and Noah got what he wanted.

Unless, I do something that might just let me play him at his own game...


Photo of Noah to bless your eyes x

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