"I don't see you pulling away."

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I woke up with my head resting on a hard but warm surface. I slowly fluttered my eyes opened to see a tanned chest. I instantly knew it was Noah, I remembered the events of last night and how nice and caring he had been.

I really don’t understand what it is about Noah but I feel myself letting my walls down around him. I act myself and I have actually cried in front of him.

I never cry in front of people.

Crying in front of people shows them your weaknesses. They see what brings you down and they use it against you. Not Noah, though. With Noah he cares for me, he doesn’t judge me when I cry he makes sure I’m OK and he understands that all I need is a hug and a chat, it’s as if he’s dealt with someone like me before.

However, no matter how much I like Noah I won’t give into him being a player. I know he wants to ‘play’ me and I won’t give into him. I’m a strong person and I won’t give into someone that easily.

I guess my plan had gone out of the window. Noah hadn’t really been trying to lead me on anymore he was more just being a friend but it had only been a few days. You never know what mood he’s going to be in.

“Morning.” A husky voice came from above me.

“Hey.” I replied, I was still snuggled into Noah’s chest because I was cold and he was cosy.

“Good sle-“ Just as Noah was about to finish his question my bedroom door burst open and in came four very giddy looking teenagers until a hint of realisation crossed their features.  

“Where’s Liam?” Noah and I both stiffened at his name, I had decided that I wanted nothing to do with Liam, he rushed me and wouldn’t take no for an answer. I mean come on we had been on one date and he was already trying to be an over-protective yet horny boyfriend, it was strange and wrong.

“He left last night. Sorry but I really don’t want to see him again.” I said this cautiously considering it was Claire’s twin I was talking about.

“What’s he done now?” Claire groaned.

“I guess I’m just not ready for a relationship and he was moving quite fast?” My statement came out as a question, it wasn’t a complete lie but I still didn’t like not telling the whole truth but I don’t want lots of questions being fired at me.

“So... how come you ended up in here, Noah?” I groaned and put my head under the covers, I was blushing because I knew the boys thought that Noah had ‘played’ me already. Noah just shook his head and helped me by raising the quilt up higher.

All four of them jumped on top of us.

Yes, that’s right. Six people in a double bed. Bad idea.

I groaned as everyone cuddled under the covers. I guess it was quite cute being all cosy and cuddled up in such a chilly, British, autumn morning but I still wanted more sleep. Yes, I’m a lazy little shit.

“So what do you want to do for your 18th?” Lucas asked me as he cuddled up next to me with his girlfriend lying between his legs.

I had become very close to Noah, Lucas, Jacob, Claire and Zara over the past few weeks that I had lived here in London and I was really happy because I never did think that I would feel comfortable in front of anyone ever since Josh, he had always told me that no one would ever care about me.

“What makes you think that people would actually care about you?” Josh screamed in my face. He had been drinking again (for a seventeen year old he sure a shell drank a lot.) And as he was in such a drunk state he was shouting at me, I guess it was better than him hitting me. “If you left me you would have nothing! You really think you can move to London and become a fashion designer? You’re too stupid!”

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