I had to make a good impression

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Not proofread, sorry x


dedicated to broken and scared for being the first person to comment on my last chapter! 


It had just turned seven o'clock as I turned up at my new apartment block. I sighed as I got out of the car, reality had hit me and I realised I would be spending a lot of time away from home. Now for a lot of teenagers this is exciting you get a new sense of freedom but for me it wasn't. I was scared, I couldn't stand being away from home for a long time. I had a bad past and it was always my family who helped me through. It was always my family that showed me there was always a reason to keep on living for, now no one would know about my past and I had no one to turn to if I felt myself going to that dark place again. That's something I really didn't want. I didn't even know if I would make new friends,  I could be a friendless, sad girl for the next few years going to this university. Great. everyone's going to think you're a loser!

My dad and my two brothers pulled me into a long hug, and boy did I need it!

Dad sighed, "Princess, stop worrying and enjoy yourself. This is a new start; forget the past. You're going to have a good time and experience new things, enjoy it whilst it lasts. Just don't do anything stupid." Dad hugged me before pulling back and smiling, "I don't want to find out that I have a granddaughter in nine months  time"

"You never know, it could be a grandson" I giggled. At this statement my dad just shook his head and laughed before we all walked into the lift to go to the fourth floor of the apartment blocks. My new home.

My dad and my younger brother retreated back down in the lift leaving just me and my older brother, Francisco to meet my new room mates. I really didn't want dad telling his embarrassing jokes. What? I had to make a good impression!

I chapped on the door nervously waiting for a response. My stomach did a flip when I heard a latch click and the round door handle turned. I plastered a massive smile on my face as I saw the guy standing in front of me. My mouth hung open as I not-so-discretely checked him out. In front of me stood a tall, muscular man around my age, maybe a bit older, stubble had started to form on his perfectly sculpted face, his electric blue eyes watching me curiously with a small smirk plastered on his face. He wore a black wife beater that clung to his muscular chest with his strong arms on show flaunting the tattoos he had and he wore grey cottons that hung low his waist.

Knocking me out of my trance was a deep, sexy voice, "take a picture it'll last longer." Just as the heavy white door was about to shut after the extremely attractive guy had closed it, pleased with my embarrassed reaction his comment I shoved my foot in the small gap between the door and the door frame. It didn't really hurt my foot too much as my black, studded ankle boots  protected me, it would have been painful otherwise.

"Look I don't want to buy anything and I don't need any form of insurance so just leave. Please." Was the dry, rude tone I received after my amazing foot stopping actions.

"I guess you're my sister's new roomie" my brother replied sarcastically, yet, dryly from behind me.

"Think you've got the wrong apartment mate, some bloke called Kiron's moving in here." Before this hot, rude guy could slam the door once again I butted in,"You'll find it's some lass called, Kiron." I corrected in my strong Scottish accent.

The hot dude sighed before opening the door and looking across the room to some other people, I'm guessing. From what I could see from the doorway it was a very nicely set out place, a bit messy from the three lads that live there but I guess I'm used to mess, I like it, I think it makes a house feel more like a home. I remember how much mum used to hate it!

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