Chapter 1

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I walk my normal way around Los Santos, turning into dark alleys as I go. Usually I'll find a drug addict I can sell to. My name is Nicole Wilson, 19 years of age, and a straight on drug dealer. I'm working with nobody except Trevor who hopes to find a good group that'll take me in. I don't really care to be in a gang, cause the cops don't give a fuck about what happens around here. I could go on a killing rampage and they wouldn't give one shit about it. Anyways, enough about the cops.

As I walk around, I see lots of drunkies walking around; attempting to approach me. What they don't know is that I'm equipped with guns, knives, and badass hand-to-hand combat skills. I smirk at myself as I put my hood over my head to hide my face. I'd rather not kill anyone tonight. I can't be noticed; only cause there are lots of gangs searching for me. They heard that I'm apparently a badass when it comes to anything, especially kicking ass with knives. Now those are true, but I'd rather be alone. I enter another dark alley; my converse making a slight click sound when I step on the wet asphalt. "Hey, what are you doing here?!" someone yells in the distance. I stop in my place and get a knife prepared. "I asked you a question! What are you doing here?!" they yell again. Confirmed, it's a guy. "Just passing through." I reply calmly, then continue on. "Stop where you are! And hands where I can see them!" another voice yells. I sigh and stop again; slowly putting my hands over my head. "Who are you?" a more calmer voice asks. How many dudes are there?! I just remain still with my pokerface as one approaches me from behind.

Then I feel a barrel on my back. "Answer." the same voice from before demands. "Nicole Wilson." I reply, then collapse due to keeping my breath in. "What group are you from?" the calming voice asks again. "No group." I answer as I get my breathing back to normal. "Then who are you working for?" a crazy voice asks. The kind of voice you would hear from an insane murderer. "Trevor." I admit, hoping they'll kill me and get it over with. "Guys, don't kill her. We could use her." another voice says. So far there are four different voices here. "Return her to Trevor, he could be looking for her." the murderer voice says, a lot calmer this time. "Alright, come on Nicole. We're taking you back to Trevor." the first voice says right in my ear. Two people grab my arms and help me up, then we start walking towards the entrance of the alley.

After we exit, they lead me to a sweet ass looking Mercedes. It's pitch black but looks fucking badass. Now that we have light, allow me to explain what they look like. I'm guessing the guy with the murderer voice is the one with the fucking Jason mask, blue hoodie, black sweatpants and blue converse. I also notice he's holding bat over his shoulders. Another guy is wearing a sunset tanktop, a mowhawk, shades, blue jeans and converse. The tallest one is wearing a pig mask with the mouth open, no shirt, what looks like white booty shorts, and flipflops. The last guy in my view in is in an owl mask, red jacket with lines at the biceps, black jeans, and sweet ass red converse.

Back into the story now. They practically shove me into the back seat. They pig mask and Jason mask join me. The one in the tanktop is standing in the doorway. "Ey sweetheart, you might have to sit on someone's lap.. we kinda don't have enough room." Owl guy says. My eyes go wide. "Oh hell no! I'd rather be walking!" I yell. A few chuckles come from the guys, then I feel someone scoop me up into their lap. "Well, fucking help yourself." I mumble. "Don't mind if I do." the guy says in my ear. I grab my knife and put it up to his neck. "Touch me. I. Fucking. Dare. You." I threaten through clinched teeth. I then notice it's the pig mask guy. "Haha! I know why Trevor keeps you now." he says, earning more laughs throughout the car. Tanktop crawls in, so we head off.

As we turn off on the exit, I get a few questions from the guys. "You comfortable?" one retorts. I think it was the guy in the front; the one I couldn't see from my angle, and I still can't. "No. I'd rather you guys kill me than let me sit here on piggy's lap." I say, receiving loud laughs from all of them. "I heard I was a lady's man. You should consider yourself lucky." pig says jokingly. I elbow him in the gut, then laugh. "Lady's man to what species?" I reply after I get my breath again. "Oooh, Wildcat's got himself some competition!" Owl yells. Suddenly I'm thrown in the floorboard. "Is that seat any better?" Wildcat asks rudely. "Much. At least now I don't have to smell your pig breath." I tell him rudely back. The guys laugh again. I'm really enjoying myself. I get to be my bitchy self around these guys, and it's rather enjoyable.

After sitting on the floorboard for about an hour, I begin to doze off on someone's legs. I'm assuming it's tanktop's, seeing how he's in the middle. I feel some arms wrap around my stomach, then getting pulled up into someone's lap again. I look at the shirt; sunset. It's mowhawk. I eventually curl up to get warm and close my eyes again; allowing myself to sleep for once. I'm awaken by doors closing. I slowly sit up and look around, noticing we're at Trevor's place. I get off tanktop's lap and groggily get out of the car. After attempting to get my balance, someone just picks me up bridal style and carries me up the stairs. I bury my face in the jacket and listen to them having a low conversation. I look up and see owl mask looking at piggy. Jason Vorhees knocks on the door; which gets opened after bout five seconds. "If it isn't the Vanoss Crew!" Trevor says happily. "Found a companion of yours, decided to bring her back since she was so far off." Owl says. "Hey there Nicole! I was starting to get worried. You haven't visited in about a week. How've you been?" Trevor asks as the guys all enter.

I get set down on the couch in the living room and just mumble an "Okay." to Trevor. I sit up and look at all the guys. Now that I have a view of them all, I'm gonna explain the last guy. He's wearing a monkey mask with a fake cigar, a red jacket, khaki shorts, and red converse as well. "Can I talk to Vanoss for a second?" Trevor asks. Owl mask stands and follows Trevor to the heist room. "So, the names I have so far is Wildcat and Vanoss. What's all of your names?" I mumble. I look up at everyone talking, so I speak up. "What's all of your names dipshits?" Some laugh and others just stare at me. "Lui!" a squeaker kid says. I look over and see monkey mask waving, so I wave back. "MooSnuckel, but call me Moo." tanktop says. I nod and look over to at the last one. "What about you Jason Voorhees?" I ask him. "Delirious." he says, then breaks eye contact with me too look down at his phone.

"That fits you. You do look like an insane murderer." I say to him. He chuckles a creepy chuckle, then looks over my shoulder. I'm assuming Vanoss is there.

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