Chapter 20

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*Del's POV* (Oooh, I didn't start with Nicole?!? What have I done to her?! C:<)

I wake up around an alley way with the worst smell possible. I look around and see nobody near. I do, although, hear a lot of sirens. I begin to get up, but a force pushes me back down. I look up at the person and see a girl. Not just any girl though.

"C-Cole?!" I stutter out. She smirks at me then kicks me in the gut. I clutch my stomach and groan in pain. "Why?!" I yell out. I look up again, but see four other men surrounding her. "Because, this is our Nicole now. She's changed, Delirious. And there's nothing to do about." one chuckles out. I growl in my throat and stand up, tackling him to the ground.

I get my knife out, but before I can slit his throat I'm pulled off and held against the moldy brick wall. "Good Job, Nicole. Now, we will take our leave since you know what we have. It was a lot easier than I thought to brainwash her." a british accent says. "Brainwash... wait! YOU ASSHOLES! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" I yell to him. He chuckles and walks away, making Cole follow him. 

Once I was sure they were gone, I get up and begin to run back home. That's when I notice the smell never left me. I look down and see blood all over my coat. I went insane.. I think to myself. Indeed, you did Delirious. Don't lose your sanity again or I'll make sure to kill more. The evil voice tells me with a chuckle at the end. I growl, but set my mind straight and go back to the covered area where I can walk and think. 

After walking for a good 15 minutes, a bright spotlight is shone on me. I look up and see a helicopter flying over head. I allow my instincts to take over and head to a bush with many trees surrounding it. I watch the helicopter land, then hear the loud roar of engines. I continue to listen as the car doors slam close. "Delirious!" Evan's voice calls. I jump out of the bush and run over to them, hugging Evan. 

No, I don't like him like that. I'm just glad it was them instead of the police or someone worse. I begin to breakdown and cry a little. "It's okay buddy." he says reassuringly. I nod and get off his shoulder, wiping my eyes as I regain my balance. "I found Nicole" I tell them once I regain my composure. They all look at me with wide eyes. "How is she?! Where is she?!" Luke and Brian ask me. 

I rub my neck awkwardly. "She's brainwashed. She's uh.. not hurt but she went back with the other gang.." I explain to them. Luke sighs with sadness, but Brian doesn't do anything except say "Let's go get her. She got me out of my death, so I'm gonna get her out of hers. It's only fair." and walks back to the car he came in. I nod and jump into Evan's car. 

He gets in as well and starts up the engine, pulls out of the clearing and heads back to the house.

*Nicole's POV* (Good, she's not fully broken ^.'^)

We pull back into the gates come to a stop at the front of the warehouse. I get out of the backseat and follow Sam and Richard in. I still remember when Delirious and I were together. I loved that man so much. I just don't know why he had to betray me.. I bet he doesn't even know the pain he's left me in..

I'm snapped out of the thoughts as I feel a needle go into my neck. "GAH!" I scream out before slowly descending to the ground. I look up at Richard and see him smiling, but Sam looks extremely confused as to hat has happened. I close my eyes, but seem like I'm not asleep.. just in the back of my mind.

"Hello Cole" an all to familiar voice says. I look around, but see nobody. That's when someone steps up to me. I jump back a little, but notice immediately who it is. "Delirious.." I manage to get out from the shock. I immediately break down crying. "W-What's wrong?!" he asks immediately. "You betrayed me!" I yell, then stab him in the throat with a knife that suddenly appeared in my hand.

I jump up to realize it was just a nightmare. I sigh, but cry silently to myself. I want to see him again, but I can't. Sam won't let me because he doesn't want me to die. He's in the baddest group in Los Santos. I don't think he'd hurt me, but still.. better to be safe then sorry. I start to get out of bed, but remember when I got stabbed in the neck with that big ass needle. I flinch at the pain, but shrug it away.

"What's wrong..?" a voice asks me, scaring me shitless. I look over and see it's Sam. (Omfg. y mouose scrolled down to the bottom when I looked away and I almost started crying because I thought I lost the whole fucking chapter. *whipes head* whew. I would've had a breakdown if I had to type all of this again :P) I smile at him, making him smile back. "How long have I been asleep?" I ask. "About 2 days. Why?" "WHAT?! But what about taking down the Vanoss Crew like we were going to yesterday?!" I yell at him. "Woah, easy. We didn't have to. Richard made a new plan to let them come to us." he replies.

I smile at him. "Sorry I snapped." I apologize. He smiles and wraps his arms around me, making me feel weird inside. I don't want to be rude, so I wrap mine around him as well. He lays his chin on top of my head, making me have some more memories of me and Jon. A sudden new one flashes into mine. It shows a helpless person strapped up to a chair above a tank with water. When They dunk the person, I see it's a girl.. screaming. When she opens her eyes, I see the girl is me.


Dun dun dun. Don't worry, I'm not going to make Del go without Nicole for long. Only for about 4 to 5.. possibly 6 chapter ;) I'm so evil. Anywho, hope you enjoyed and be grateful that I've been updating these past few days. Even though I'm sure you guys don't care, I do. Everyone reading my story is amazing to me and those who follow me.. I just love you all. One day you'll understand <3 

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