Chapter 10

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After gaming with Jon for about 20 minutes, I start to doze off on his chest. I'm sitting on his lap so that he could help me with the buttons easier. I lean my head back in the crook of his neck and sigh. "You tired already?" he mumbles. I simply nod and attempt to climb out of his lap, of course falling on my face since I'm pretty tired. Jon just laughs his ass off at my lame attempts. I growl at him and tackle him to the floor. "Not as tired as I thought..." he mumbles. I laugh and peck his lips before getting off of him. I crawl into my bed and snuggle into the warmth of it, sighing into my pillow as well. Jon turns off the lights, kisses my cheek, and crawls into his bed as well. 

*You guessed it, time skip 'till morning :P*

I wake up, but this time the sun isn't shining through the window. I get up and stretch, making my back, legs, and arms pop from their laying position they were in all night. I walk over to the window and peek through the curtains, seeing heavy clouds outside. "Morning." I hear Jon's hot morning voice greet me. "Morning." I mumble back. I turn my head slightly and see him right behind me, looking outside as well. "Looks like it's gonna storm. Fun." he says sarcastically. I laugh at his stupidity, then turn to fully face him. His arms snake their way around my waist, pulling me closer to his bare, toned, muscular frame. He leans down and gently kisses my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss a tad bit. 

Before I knew it, this simple kiss turned into a heated make-out session. His left hand places itself on my left cheek and his other remains on my waist. Mine stay around his neck as his soft lips lightly peck my neck. I, ever so quietly, moan out of pleasure. I feel him smirk against my neck, but continue their work. I continue letting him do what he wants, until his hands find their way up my shirt. I growl at him, but he just continues. "Jon." I manage to squeak out. "Hmm?" he hums against my neck. "Not today." I whisper in his ear. He stands up, but keeps his arms on my waist. "Tomorrow?" he asks, pecking my lips after. "No." I tell him, then walk off to grab me a change of clothes. 

I grab a pair of light blue skinny jeans, combat boots that Mae gave me since they didn't fit her anymore, black tanktop and a blue see-through shirt along with it. I kick Jon out of the room, and put on the outfit. "Alright. Come back in." I yell to him out the door. I watch him enter in his grey under armor sweatpants and a bowl of cereal. "What, none for me?" I ask him jokingly. He shakes his head 'no', so I walk up to him and grab the bowl from him. "Hey!" he yells. I laugh and stuff a mouthful in my mouth (Naw! I thought you ate out of your ears :T). 

"WHO ATE MY CHEERIOS?!" I hear Lui yell in his squeaker voice from the kitchen. I look down at the bowl and see cheerios. "NICOLE DID!" Jon yell to him. I hear Lui stomp down the hallway and into the room. He looks at the bowl in my hands, then at me. "Why?" he pouts. I laugh at his childish.......ness (Like-a-boss) and hand him the bowl. He looks down at the few soggy cheerios, then eats them with his fingers. "Eww!" I yell and shove him out the door. Jon and Lui both laugh at me, then I notice Tyler standing in his doorway; again checking me out. 

Once Lui is out of my way, I walk up to Tyler. With my finger, I motion for him to come down to my level since I'm short. He obeys, and I slap his face. "What the fuck?!" he yells. "Check me out again and next time I'll get my knife and cut your dick off so you won't be able to fuck anyone!" I yell back.Jon steps up behind me and grabs my shoulders, indicating that he wants me to calm down. He knows I sometimes can live up to my threats. I wouldn't actually do that to Tyler because he's family to me, but he probably doesn't get that. I listen to him and back up, bumping into Jon's chest. 

I walk away into the kitchen and grab a piece of bread and stick it in the toaster. When Jon walks in, the toast pops up. Which scared the absolute SHIT out of me (My toaster scares me EVERY TIME! Anyone else here? No? I'm always lonely..). Jon laughs at me, making me turn and death-glare him which causes him to laugh harder. 

Once he finishes his laugh attack, he faces me and wraps his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself." he tells me, chuckling a little. I laugh and say "I'm sure you're sorry you bastard." I tease him. He laughs and pecks my lips, which is when David decides to walk in. "#JOLE!" he yells. I walk up to him and whisper "God so help you I will chop your fucking head off and send it to your pretty little girlfriend for Christmas when she wonders why her fuck-buddy isn't there for her."

He erupts into a fit of laughter and walks away. "You seem pissed this morning." Jon says behind me. I turn to face him and smile innocently. "Yeah. Tyler checking me out all the time kinda pisses me off. If I get to far with my anger just knock me out. Or just whisper something comforting in my ear. It' what my mom did when I was younger. Not the knock out part." I laugh. He laughs too, but asks the question I never wished to hear. "What happened to your parents?" 

I sighs and motion for him to follow me. He does, so I lead him to our room for some privacy. I close the door, and sit on my bed with a sigh. "My dad was the greatest. He always supported me with everything I chose, and he never did just not have faith that I would become someone great. Until one day his support grew to be a little too, well, supportive. I asked him if I could go to a party when I was 17. I never grew up in a bad town, so I knew nothing of the bad people of the world. He let me. I wore the tightest dress I had, because it was the cutest I owned. So, I went to the party, and got hit on by lots of boys."

I sigh and inhale a deep breath as tears form at the brim of my eyes. Jon wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He lays his head in the crook of my neck and pecks me lightly once. "It's alright if you don't want to finish right now. I get it. It's hard to talk about your past." he whispers in my ear. I smile and wipe the tears out of my eyes. I nod and inhale again. 

"One asked me to go do it with him, but I refused. So, he ended up knocking me out with chloroform. And when I woke up, I was half naked on a bed and police were everywhere. They walked up to me and questioned me about lots of things. I felt no pain anywhere, so I assumed they got there before he did anything. But boy was I wrong. I went the the doctor to make sure nothing was wrong. They did a pregnancy test. Positive. So, I killed the child and lost my virginity. My mom didn't approve of it. She ended up getting into an argument with my dad about his support and how I could've died because of him. In the end, he killed her.. because he went insane. He started to go after me, but I was able to kill him before that." I finish with tears falling from my eyes. 

I open my mouth to say a bit more, but Jon stops me. "That's horrible." was all he whispered. I look up at him and see tears gathering in his eyes. I look back down and slowly nod. "But, think about it. If you wouldn't have lost your parents, you wouldn't have met Treavor. Meaning you never would've met me. So, something okay came from all that." he tells me, cheering me up instantly. I look up at him and smile slightly. He pecks my lips and pulls me into a hug. I hug back, and inhale his axe scent. He lightly chuckles and in my hair and mumbles "Do I smell good?" I nod and giggle. I know it's really early, but I think I'm in love with this insane, psychotic bastard. I'm not telling him though. I know it's early.


Longest chapter so far! I have been doing one-shots if you haven't noticed already, so feel free to read them and request! They are open! I will talk to you all in the next chapter! PEACE!

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