Chapter 2

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I slightly look back and see a red jacket; so it's Vanoss. I quickly look back to the others, then stand and leave the living room. "Trevor!" I yell. I step around the corner into the kitchen and see Trevor standing with a cup of tea in his hands. "Do you need something?" he asks me. "What did you talk about to Vanoss?" I ask him. I shift my weight to one hip and cross my arms over my chest. "Just asking him something." he replies. "And what was that exactly?" I ask, rather impatiently this time. "I was just asking him if you could join their group. They seem to like and you and seem comfortable around them.. so I was just asking." Trevor explains. "And what'd he say?" I ask, standing up straight and adjusting my sleeves to fit over my hands so only my finger tips are showing. "He said he'll discuss it with the guys. He doesn't want to make any changes the guys don't approve of. He's a great leader 'ya know." Trevor says.

I nod and walk back into the living room where all the guys are having a small discussion with each other. "Oh. Nicole, nice of you to join us again." Wildcat says looking up at me. Everyone else looks up at me from the conversations they were having, making me blush a little from the attention. "Yeah.. I guess." I say calmly and sit next to Lui on the two seater. "Oooh Lui! I didn't know Nicole was your girlfriend!" Moo says, causing the guys to laugh and me to blush. "Yeah! She's mine! Get her and you're dead!" Lui says in his squeaker voice and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I hear chuckling and see the guys all stand up. "Noooo!" Lui yells as Wildcat lifts him from his spot. "Yeah, so much for protection." I tell him as he pounds on Wildcat's back.

All the guys laugh, then someone lifts me up. "Hey! What the fuck dude!" I yell. The guy moves me so that he's carrying me bridal style and runs out the door. I hold on for dear life as he bolts out the door. When he stops and looks around, I find this as the perfect opportunity to look at the guy. "Hey, Delirious. Go around back. There's a woodshed you can hide in." I tell him. He looks down at me, and I could see the smile in his eyes. He sets me down and grabs my hand. We run around back and into the shed I was talking about, then I hear the door open and lots of footsteps. "Where the fuck did they go?! Delirious can't have her alone!" I hear I think Moo yell. I keep my giggles in, then feel Delirious shift around me. I turn around and watch him move further in the back, crouching in a dark corner.

I walk over to him and crouch next to him. "Why'd you help me? You're supposed to try to get away." Del whispers. "I figured it would be fun getting away from them. Plus, knowing them, they'll think we ran away or some shit." I tell him, hearing his silent laugh. "Come on, lets go before they think we're screwing each other or something." Del says, causing me to blush big time. I laugh and mumble a silent "Yeah." Del holds his hand out, which I take and he pulls me up, really close to his face might I add. I could see his lightly flushed cheeks and feel heat rushing to my cheeks as well. He smiles again, then releases my hand and heads towards the door. I release my breath and follow him out.

After we walk out of the shed, we head up to the front door, until I get pulled away by someone. I pull my arm and grip the wrist tightly. I grab the other other and place it firmly behind their back. I get the wrists in one hand and look at his mask. "Nice try Vanoss." I tell him. He laughs, so I release his wrists and laugh a little with him. "Nice job Nicole. You beat his ass with barely any effort. I would like to see what it's like when you're in full combat mode!" Wildcat yells as he runs up to us. "Thanks. If you're impressed by that you should see me with knives." I tell him. "I'd love too." Moo says. "So, uh, Nicole.. What would you say if we invited you to join our group?" Vanoss asks, causing everyone to go silent. "Well, in that scenario.. I'd have no choice but to say yes." I tell him, as if he were just wondering instead of actually inviting me.

Everyone laughs at my response. "But seriously though.. What do you say to the offer?" Wildcat asks, in a serious tone for once. "Yeah. I'd like that." I smile at everyone. "Well, since you're on the team.. my name is Brock." Moo says. I smile at him. "I'm still Lui!" Lui says in a squeaker voice. I laugh and turn to Delirious and Wildcat. "Tyler, and that bastard is Johnathon." Wildcat says. I laugh at the two retards, then face Vanoss. "Evan." he says, then removes his mask. After that, so do all the others.. except Del.

I look at all their faces and notice how nice they actually look. Tyler has blue eyes with blonde hair, bushy eye brows and a slight smile. Lui has those child dimples, black hair and brown eyes. Brock has brown hair, blue eyes and a big smile on his face. Evan looks Canadian/Asian with dark hair in a quiff, deep brown eyes that make girls go crazy, and a straight face that also shows happiness. 

I look over at Jon and show a slight pouty face cause he didn't reveal himself. His eyes wrinkle into a smile, and shakes his head. I sigh, then face everyone else. "Can I tell you something?" I ask everyone. They nod, so I smile widely and start running "Bet you can't catch me! Whoever does gets to have me sit on their lap!" I yell back at them. That got Tyler's, Brock's, and Jon's attention. I laugh as they start pushing each other out of their ways to catch me. I walk over next to Evan and hear him chuckling. "Such a great group of losers." I tell him. "I don't know whether to thank you or be offended." he chuckles, causing me to laugh too.

After a little while, the guys look over at me and Evan, look back at each other, then all hurl towards me. My eyes go wide, then I feel a strong grip on my arm. I look over and see Evan gripping my arm, causing all the guys to stop. "So, who's driving?" Evan asks. My face flushes a little, but then see all the guys' shocked faces. I laugh at all of them, then look into their eyes. The one that looks most disappointed is Jon. "I'll drive! If you promise me some cheerios once we get home!" Lui yells as a five year old. "No! You're way too young Lui!" I yell. "Don't yell at me." he says in a pouty way. "I'll drive!" I yell again, only to save a bunch of disappointed people. They all nod, then the question comes out of my mouth that I wish I wouldn't have said aloud.. "Who's in passenger seat?" Everyone looks at each other, then runs to the car.

I slowly make my way to the car and see Jon in Lui's lap in the passenger side. All the others are in the back. I shrug and walk around the the driver. I close the door and laugh at the two dorks next to me. "What? Someone had to sit in someone's lap.. so why not me?" Jon asks, trying his best not to laugh. I just smile and shake my head, then start up the car. "Everyone buckled?" I ask. I buckle up and listen to all the belts buckling in the back. I back out, then I realize I don't know where the fuck their hide-out is at. "Hey guys, bad time to ask this, but where's your hide-out?" I look in the rearview mirror and smile at the sight of most of them asleep on each other's shoulders. "Just take a left here and keep going straight for about seven miles." Jon mumbles. I look over and see his eyes looking at the road.

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