Chapter 17

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I wake up and feel some weight on my stomach. I look up and see Tate sleeping carelessly. I chuckle and shake my head. I push him onto Jon's stomach, making Tate wake up and stare at me like I just offended his great ancestors. "Hey, I never invited you to sleep on my stomach. So sleep on his." I say in a whisper. He cocks his head to the side, so I just get up and leave the room. 

I hear little clicks on the wood in the hall, so I know Tate is following me. I enter the kitchen and pull out some meat that nobody eats. "I wonder if you like turkey.. for some reason nobody in this house eats it." I mumble to him. He wags his tail once, so I shrug and open the container. I pull out a slice and throw it on the ground (have you seen dis video? If not, then you won't get the reference :T). I watch him sniff it, then gobble it up. After he swallows, he licks his chops and jumps up excitedly.

I hear some doors opening, so I'm assuming the others are starting to wake up. I give Tate about seven more slices, then put the rest away for later. He finishes those up as Lui enters the kitchen. "Thought I heard someone out here." he mumbles. I quietly laugh and nod. "I found him sleeping on my stomach, so I just thought 'might as well get up'." I say. He laughs a little then does his raiding in the fridge and cabinets. 

I sit on the couch and turn on the tv. The show called 'Naked and Afraid' is on. I press the guide button and skim through the channels. Eventually 'South Park' shows up, so I click on it. After about four minutes, everyone slowly starts waking up and coming out of their rooms. Of course Jon is the last to wake up. He walks into the living room and smiles at me, so I smile back and stand up. "It's about time." I tell him. He chuckles and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. 

I wrap my hands around his back and pull him into a little hug. He hugs back and kisses the top of my head. Tate comes hauling ass off the couch and starts jumping on our legs. We look down at him, and I just smile. "Did you feed him?" Jon asks. I nod. "He gobbled up that turkey." I reply. He nods back and lets me go. "DAVID! MAKE US SOME FUCKING BREAKFAST! WE'RE ALL STARVING GODDAMMIT!" Jon yells.

David comes out of the kitchen and yells back "THEN MAKE IT YOUR FOCKIN' SELF YE BASTARD!" I laugh a them and walk into the kitchen. I see Evan and Tyler rummaging through the cupboards and cabinets, Lui is watching all the chaos, Marcel is waiting for everyone to move, Brian is stuck by the stove with the bowl of cereal that he has, and David is standing by me. "Yeah.. I'll start on breakfast." he sighs in defeat. "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! BREAKFAST IS BEING MADE!" I yell so they can hear me. They all look at me, then get out. 

"All yours buddy." I say, patting David's back. He chuckles and nods. I leave him to do his cooking and join Jon and Tate on the couch. Jon wraps his arm around my shoulders, making Tate jealous. He jumps onto my lap and starts nudging my elbow. "I think we should train him to not be jealous." Jon whispers in my ear, then kisses my head. I nod and pet Tate's head. "But he's still young, give him about 3 more weeks." I reply. He says "okay" and gets up. "Where you going?" I ask. "I'm going to get dressed. I don't know about you but I wanna be ready for the day." he says in a 'duh' tone. I roll my eyes and smile. He smiles back and walks into the room.

"What're we gonna do with you?" I ask Tate. He looks up at me and sticks his tongue out and pants a little before bringing it back into his mouth. I lightly shake my head. 

*David's POV*

As I mix the eggs in the bowl, Nicole's dog walks in. "You remind me of Joe back at my girlfriend's." I tell him. He whines a little and sniffs the air. "I'll give you some bacon when it's cooked." I say. I turn back and see the eggs in the pan boiling. I stir them up and start chopping them since they're almost done. 

*Nicole's POV*

Once Jon comes out of the room, I walk in and get dressed in a casual blue tank top with a black see through shirt over it, black skinny jeans and blue vans. As I tie them up, Jon walks back in. "Glad I was dressed." I tease. "I had a little hope that you'd at least not have a top on." he teases back. I glare and slap his arm playfully. He chuckles and says "Just kidding." I shake my head and reply "No you weren't." and we both laugh. He sighs and lightly pecks my lips. I pull back and smile, making him smile too. 

I stand up, but Jon just pulls me into him. "I looooooooove you!" he yells. "Ugh." I say jokingly. He pushes off enough to see my face and shows a fake look of hurt. I giggle, causing him to squeeze me into his chest. "Jon. I can't breath!" I scream. He laughs maniacally and releases me. I glare at him as he smiles innocently. "Don't you DARE look innocent in front of the Devil's Princess!" I joke. He laughs and bows in front of me. "My apologies, m'lady." he replies. I giggles and slap the top of his head.

He looks up at me and grins. I smirk evilly, but turn on my heel and leave the room. Once I get back into the kitchen, I see David tossing bacon strips to Tate and him catching them with no troubles. "He's a pretty damn good dog." David says once he notices me. "Is he better than Joe?" I tease. He shakes his head. "Joe is much better. But he's a close second. What'd you name 'em?" he asks. "Tate." I reply simply. He nods and hands me a plate of breakfast. I nod in appreciation and sit at the table. 

Eventually, everyone joins me. Jon on my right, Tyler on my left, and Lui in front of me. As we eat, I watch Tate circle around the table, waiting for someone to drop food. I notice a lot of the time David, Tyler, and Evan purposely drop some. But I act like I don't notice. I throw my bacon when Tate was looking at me, and he chases it all the way into the kitchen, jumps up, and catches it mid-air. Everyone applauds as he trots back in. 


Heeeeeeeeey! Another chapter! I'm doing pretty good! If you liked it, then favorite, if not.. then thanks for reading it at least! Thanks for 500+ reads! That's pretty amazing! ^.^ Don't forget about my Vanoss Crew One-Shots! I have 1.1k reads on that! And I'm just like.... :O So thanks for all those supporters! I love requests on that story C: But thanks for just being here for me. Even if you don't have to read all of this story, you do! So thanks for coming back and continuously reading! <3

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