Chapter 19

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*Nicole's POV*

I wake up in a dark room with a dim light spotting a table with various weapons. Some belonging to me including my gloves, gun and knives. I look around the room, but not able to look far because of the darkness and I was tied up to a chair. As if in every movie you could possibly watch, a random person enters the room and says the usual line "I see you're awake." I roll my eyes. "So, what? Is this going to be like every movie I've watched where I get beaten to a pulp until I spill. But in the end you don't kill me because someone in this gang falls in love with me? Or are you going to change the script?" I spit. 

The guy walks up to me and I see a cat mask. (Sorry Cody/RacingCatz D:) He snickers a little before punching me in the gut. He shakes his fist, making me smirk. "Abs bitch." I retort. Then he slaps me across the face. "Ain't got no abs up there bitch." he says back, making me laugh. "I don't think abs can be built on a face. But try again and you might win." I reply, getting another slap in response. "You're supposed to be getting info out of me." I tell him. "Incorrect sweetheart. I'm simply supposed to beat you until you stop being a smartass." he corrects. 

"Oooh you're lucky my boyfriend isn't here or you'd be dead after calling me sweetheart." I giggle, remembering Del's breakdown. That memory also brought on a sad feeling of missing them, making me suddenly depressed. "What's wrong, no more words now that you remember you family?" he chuckles, stepping closer to me. I growl and kick him on the dick, causing him to collapse. "You never mess with my family." I tell him threateningly. Right then four other guys enter, untying me and retying my entire body so I can't refuse.

They lead me out the room and down a white corridor. We make a few turns, but turn left into a room with a chair and water tank with ice floating in it. They set me in the chair and tie me up tightly so I can't struggle. After they make sure I'm secured, they lift the chair up over the tank. I look down and see the ice is actually little devices. Right then, the chair is dunked into the cold water. Except, I can breathe in it. I watch all the little squares attach to me and feel lots of little pricks. I scream, but it comes out muffled. 

*Del's POV*

We've been up all night trying to find out who the hell took her. We have, though, found the gang that took her. They call themselves The Pyros and want Cole to make their team stronger. I hope they know that she won't give in to them. She's a lot stronger than they think. I look over at Craig, but see him half asleep. "You guys can take a break, don't work so hard that you can't stay awake. We'll resume later." I tell them, standing from my seat. They get up and Craig says "We'll find her Del, I promise" and exits with Lui. I nod and mumble an "I know we will" and exit into the living room with the others.

Hello. A deep voice in my head says. I shake my head and convince myself that I'm going crazy.

You're not going crazy, you're going Delirious. The voice says with an evil laugh. 

Right then, I feel as if I'm pulled from my own body and into my mind. I see a similar figure to me, just a lot more dangerous looking. He has blood all over his clothes and mask. He removes his mask to reveal his clown make-up, but also with an evil smirk. "Hello, Jonathon." he says in the same voice as before. 

"Where the hell am I..?" I ask, unaware of the crazy, psychotic looking man in front of me. "In your mind. I'm here to show what'll happen if you go insane!" he yells, then laughs and disappears. 

*Vanoss' POV*

I watch Del, Mini, and Lui exit the room. Mini sits next to Tyler and they begin flirting, but Lui goes off into his room to probably sleep. When Jon exits, he looks a bit... weak. As if right on cue, he falls to the floor. My reflexes immediately take over and I throw a pillow to catch his head at the least. (Oooh, damn! Dem skillz doe! Too bad that's not my kind of story :P) But, like all fucking epic things, they fail. It lands near his butt area, making his head still bump the ground. I do my best to not to laugh, but I allow a wide smirk to spread across my face.

Before I know it, everyone bursts out into laughter. This is no time to be laughing, but that was fucking hilarious! "Evan, you like his ass more than his face I guess!" Luke teases. I laughs harder, but eventually calm down. I kneel next to Jon, but his eyes open up immediately. I jump back in shock, making some more guys chuckle, but they quiet down when they hear Jon's laughter. But twice as creepy. 

He shoots up and storms out the door, jumping into his car and speeding down the driveway. "SHIT! HE'S GONE MAD!" I scream. Everyone goes wide-eyed. "4 OF US WILL GO AFTER HIM! THE REST STAY HERE! LET'S GO! LUI GET A CHOPPER, TYLER GET YOUR FASTEST CAR, TERRORISER GET WHATEVER THE FUCK BEST WEAPON YOU FUCKING OWN AND COME WITH ME! MOVE!" I yell out orders, they all begin running to the garage and get their things. 

Jon, you better hang in there buddy. You've done this once when you lost your best friend Adam (Poor Seananners XC), you can do this again. I think to myself. I speed down the driveway with the others following and Lui flying ahead to get sight of him. 


Poor Cole and Del. Jon is going mad, and who knows what'll happen to Nicole. Oh wait, I do! HAHAHAHHA. You suckers have to wait. Nananannana! Jk, I'll update later tomorrow probably. I have nothing better to do anyways :'D UNTIL NEXT TIME MY LOVELY DELIRIOUS LOVERS! 

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