Chapter 13

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*Time skip a few months*

So, here we are. The day where we rescue Brian from his hell and also get some money cause it's a tiny bit of a heist. Not the rescuing Brian part, but hey, a new member is good too. 

I slip into my blue undershirt and place my black leather jacket over it. I also get my black skinny jeans, combat boots, and leather gloves on. My leather gloves are custom made with blades attached to them at the click of a button. Sick right?

I finish up tying my boots and stand to look at myself in the mirror. I have a small smoky eye going and some simple foundation. Nothing fancy. Jon walks in with his normal outfit on. Grey shirt, blue jacket, black sweats and boots, and of course, mask. Shit! My mask! Almost forgot. Heh.

I walk into the closet and grab my black mask. I has lines down from the eyes (kinda like the puppet off of fnaf if you know what that is) and the rest looks like Jon's mask. Simple hockey mask, but a bit different. I turn and see Jon smiling at me with his mask in his hand. I lift mine up and smile back.

"You ready?" he asks. I nod and step up to him. He rests his arms around my waist and pulls me until out bodies collide. "Just promise you'll be safe." he tells me. I nod and smile again. He smiles back and leans down to catch my lips in a soft kiss. Just for good luck. 

It's what we do before we go on a heist. Make the promise, seal it with a kiss, and off we go. We pull back and smile at each other slightly. I move my mask back over my lips and watch as Jon puts his back on. Alright.. lets get this over with.

*Time skip again.. cause I can..*

I jump out of the van and jog silently up to the gates of 'hell'. This place hasn't changed a bit. I watch the rest of the guys jog down to me and wait on everyone else. "Do you still remember the mapping of this place?" Vanoss whispers to me. I nod my head and whisper back "That little warehouse is where they have most of their people. It's the training arena."

I point to another little building that's right next to the light house. "That's where the leader is at. And on the lighthouse is snipers. And be careful. There are guards everywhere. Always look before you turn a corner. Brian will either be with the leader giving him 'info' or in the training area. But I don't know for sure which." He nods at my explanation. Just then another black van pulls up. The others are here. 

I watch Delirious, Mini, Lui, Basically, and Dathi crawl out. We had me, Vanoss, Moo, and Wildcat. I nod at them and move into my position. "My position is clear." I hear Lui say. He's in the chopper so I would hope the sky is clear. "Clear." Moo says. "Same." I whisper. I hear lots of other clears, so I move into my next position. 

Just as I look around the corner, I see four armed guys standing there. I gasp silently and get my gun ready. As I load up my gun, I hear someone walking slowly towards me, so I ready my gloves. 

As soon as they step up to me, they pin my hands. "What're you doing here beautiful? I'd think you wouldn't want to return." they whisper. I open my eyes and see the leader. "Speachless are we?" he asks. I feel my breathing hitch, remembering the memories of here. I hear him chuckle which pulls me out of my thoughts. 

I feel his lips pondering my neck. I try to knee him where the sun doesn't shine, but he blocks it with his knee. "Feisty still. That's what I've always loved about you." he says, then puts both my hands in one of his. That's when I see a member of mine sneaking up slowly behind him. He puts his finger over his mask, signalling me to remain normal. 

I look around as if I'm trying to find help. "Nobody to save you this time huh?" James, the leaders' name, asks. His free hand wanders it's way around my waist and takes it's rest on my butt. I struggle under his touch; making him chuckle. "Does the little kitten not like this?" he pouts in a fake manner. 

I look over his shoulder as he pecks my neck and see the guy is gone. There goes my hopes. I start breathing heavily as his hand rubs up and down my sides in a sexual manner. Yep, the pervert of the team. You got it. 

I feel my vision starting to get blurry from the lack of oxygen, and eventually I collapse. I hit the hard, cold ground and watch two pairs of feet moving back and forth. I see one body fall, and another run up to me. 

"Slow your breathing. It's okay." a male's voice says. I feel him pick me up and into a hug. I hear his heart beating fast. I slow my breathing to match his, and eventually my vision turns back to normal. I look up and see it's Brian. "Thanks." I say. He nods and smiles at me. I stand up and grab his wrist. "Guys, I found Brian. Well, he found me thank goodness. But anyway, just bomb the fucking place and lets get our asses out of here." I say in the earpiece. "Nicole! I don't know where Delirious is! He wasn't at his station when I flew over! He's not at any!" Lui yells. I freeze in shock and terror. 


Next chapter asap! Love you guys! Thanks for the support <3

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