Chapter 14

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"Don't you fucking dare bomb that building!" I whisper yell. I run into the biggest warehouse, where the drugs and weapons are, and duck behind a crate. I'm gonna find Jon, whether they help me or not. I look over the crate and see about 6 guys in here. Well I'm fucked.

I load my Ak-47 and shoot the guy furthest from the rest in the head. His body lands with a thump, causing the others to run to him. The first guy arrives and I easily shoot in the head as well. By the time the 4th guy came, he was aware that I was here. So he stayed behind the boxes with his buddy.

I run over to the next cover and see one guy. I shoot his leg and upper arm, making him collapse and die of blood loss. The other one looks over where the bullet came from. I duck down and look over the side to see what he's doing. He walks over towards the other crate I was behind. Good thing I moved. Then I see him coming to me. I get my gun ready again and wait. By the time he reaches me, I have my gun loaded and ready to shoot. He walks around the corner, so I shoot him in the shin. He collapses and looks at me.

I see that it's Luke. I gasp and cover my mouth at what I've done. I help prop him up on the crate and look at his wound. "I'm so sorry." I whisper. "It's okay Nicole. Just come back and get me when you come for Brian, okay?" he asks. I nod and smile at him, also giving him a tiny aid kit to patch himself up as he waits. He's my best friend and I told Brian to get him prepared for this night too.

I didn't mean to hurt him. I feel so bad now. I sling my gun over my shoulder and run into the interrogation room. I hear lots of yelling, so somebody is getting beaten. I crack the door and smile at the sight of Delirious beating ass. I kick open the door like a badass and aim my gun at a guy. Jon looks over his shoulder at me and smiles, so I smile back.

We kill the rest of them and celebrate in a hug. "Thank god you're okay." I mumble in his shoulder. He stifles a laugh and pulls me away. "I'm Delirious. Aren't I always okay?" I laugh and slightly nod. "Lets get out of here." I tell him. He grabs my hand and we walk out the door. I run back for Luke and wrap his arm over my shoulders. Del grabs his other arm and gives me a questionable look. I stare into his his trying to say 'I'll explain later'. He nods and helps Luke up, so we walk him out. 

Once we exit the building, everyone meets in the middle, yes even Brian, and we put our fists in the air. "One! Two! Three! VANOSS FAMILY!" we all yell in sync. Lui lands the helicopter and wipes the sweat from his forehead. "It was so hard keeping this thing under control with RPGs flying at you. We laugh at him.

Once our little celebration is over, we walk to the front gate and turn around. "Honors?" Vanoss asks me. I take the remote from his hand and press the button. As soon as glass shatters, I laugh like the crazy person I am. Everyone else laughs at me, and soon we load back up into the vans. 

*Time skip*

We walk into the house, carrying Moo and Luke. Moo wasn't badly injured, but it still probably hurts. He was cut on his calf with a knife, so I can imagine the pain he's in. I'm just happy he's alive. Brian walks in and sits on the couch, and Vanoss along with Mini carry Luke into Lui's room where he'll help them. 

Once everyone reenters the livingroom, besides Lui of course, Jon asks "Can you please explain that guy to me?" I nod. "His name is Luke. When I was in that gang we were best friends. Of course I left, meaning I also left him behind. I wanted to go back for him, but I  knew I wouldn't be able to make it out again without getting caught. So, I completely abandoned him. 

If it weren't for him, I would probably be dead. He's the one that got me into the crew instead of killed when they found me. I was just walking, but they thought I was following them. But that's not important. If it weren't for Luke, I wouldn't be here today. So when we sent off Brian, I made sure he got Luke ready too." I finish my story and look at everyone's faces. 

"Guess I need to thank him then." I hear Jon mumble. I lightly laugh and nod. "Well, I'm wore out. Night shitheads." Tyler says. We erupt in a loud laughter, and soon everyone else disappears into their rooms. Brian is staying in Moo's room since he has a bigger floor space. I walk into Lui's room, after knocking of course, and look at Luke. 

"I'm really sorry. I feel horrible for shooting you. I just didn't see your face." I apologize. Luke smiles and me and says "It's okay. It was dark and extremely stupid of me to walk over to you. Don't put yourself down. I'm fine. Goodnight." he says. I nod and mumble 'goodnight' back. I exit the room and enter mine and Jon's.

As soon as I do, I'm met with his chest. "Hello there." he chuckles. I laugh too and step back. "My baaaad." I step into the room and close the door when Jon steps out. I open the first drawer and reveal my shorts and jeans. I grab a pair of sleep shorts and get a shirt out of my closet. I remove my other clothes and slip those on. 

I exit the room and walk into the kitchen. Once I do, I see Jon in the fridge. Typical Del. "What, did you not eat enough or do you need more energy to sleep?" I tease. He turns and smirks at me. I smile back and steal a cup of pudding from his hand. "Help yourself Cole. I wasn't going to eat that anyways." he teases back. "Don't mind if I do." I grab a spoon from the drawer and remove the little seal from the cup.

I eat the pudding, then walk into the room. Once I do, I plop down on Jon's bed and snuggle under the covers. About 7 minutes later, Jon enters and joins me. 


I know, this was bad. But I tried. 2 new members! Oooh! I love Luke and Brian. Don't worry! Scotty, Adam, and Arlan are coming soon! To a theater near you! Jkjk.. I don't know. Bye guys! I love you! <3

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