Chapter 8

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I walk in only to be greeted with running right into Lui. "Why would you hurt me?" Lui asks in a squeaker pouty way. "Sorry. Do I need to kiss your booboo? Will that make it better?" I tease. He nods his head and points to where I need to kiss it. I just slap him and plop onto the couch. Tyler sits next to me and turns on the tv. "Wanna play a game?" he asks. I shrug my shoulders and focus on the tv. "Truth or daaaare? Unless you don't have the guts to play." he challenges me. "Fuck you! You know I never turn down a challenge, you bastard!" I yell and slap his arm playfully. "I know. Lets get the others to play." Tyler says as he gets up. "Hey mothafuckas! We playing truth or dare, so I dare you all to get your asses in here and play! Unless you have no balls." he yells, then everyone comes running in. "Alright. I thought of the game so I get to go first. Jon, truth or dare?" Tyler begins. "Dare!" Jon yells. "I dare you to go into the kitchen and chug a gallon of milk in less than fifteen seconds." Tyler dares. Jon gets up, runs into the kitchen, and comes back with a gallon of milk. "On your mark! Get set! GO!" Tyler yells, so Jon starts. After the fifteen seconds is up, Jon is laying on the ground panting and trying to catch his breath. "Never. Fucking. Do. That." he says in between breaths. I laugh and say "No shit, Sherlock! Doesn't take a genius to know that." Everyone erupts in laughter and starts to add on.

We pick on Jon for abut two minutes until he yells "Alright! I get it! I'm an idiot! Lets continue on with the game fuckers!" We all laugh again, but carry on with the game. "Evan, truth or dare?" Jon asks. "Truth." Evan says. "Pussy." I cough. "What was that?" he asks. I smile innocently at him, causing him to tackle me to the floor. "I asked, what was that?" he asks again. "Careful Jon! Evan might 'accidentally' kiss your precious Cole!" Tyler teases. "Good idea Tyler. I change my mind. Dare." Evan tells Jon. "I dare you to get the fuck off Cole and fuck yourself with the poster of Selena Gomez you have on your wall in your room!" Jon says, I'm assuming out of anger. Evan laughs and gets off me, helping me in the process. Jon moves next to me and keeps an arm over my shoulders, keeping me close to him. "Awwwwwwwwww!" the guys tease. Surprisingly, I didn't blush. I shrug my shoulders and lean into Jon's side. "See, told you. They're bound to get together." I hear Lui whisper to Marcel. I glare at them, causing Lui to scream "She heard me!" and starts running. I get up and chase him outside, until he stops and waits for me to crash into him. He opens his arms, and as soon as I hit him, he closes his arms around me to keep me from running. 

"Fuck you and your goddamn monkey arms!" I scream, struggling to break lose. He laughs and soon all the guys step outside the door and starts laughing, except Jon. He's keeping his eyes on Lui. "Don't worry Jon. I have a girlfriend already, remember?" Lui reassures him. He nods, but keeps a simple eyes on him. Lui lets me go, so I walk up to the guys and smile. "Shall we continue the game, peasants?" I ask them. "Peasants?! Fock that!" Dathi yells. I smile at his accent and sit back down on the floor after reentering the living room. Everyone else takes their seats as well. "I believe it's Evan's turn." Craig says. I nod and face Evan. "Nicole, truth or dare?" he asks me. I had a feeling it would be me. "Dare. I ain't a pussy. Unlike someone cough cough Evan." I tease. He laughs and says, I dare you to go into a room alone with David." I shrug and walk into the game room. "Cén fáth go raibh siad roghnaigh tú, agus nach Jon?"(Why did they pick you and not Jon?) I ask him in Irish, so they don't know what we're talking about. "Wondered go féin, ach níl mé ag gearán ar bith."(Wondered that myself, but I'm not complaining any.) he says back. I roll my eyes and yell "TÁ TÚ A cunt chailín YE!"(You have a girlfriend ye cunt!) He laughs and nods his head. "Not like that Cole." he says in english. I nod and step out of the room. 

As soon as I get back into the living room, I see Jon, Evan, and Tyler looking like they're about to kill someone. Marcel, Mini, Lui, and Brock are doing all they can to hold each of them back. I clear my throat, causing everyone to look up at me. I lean on one hip and put my hands on my hips. "Mind explaining?" I ask. I see Jon with eyes full of guilt, sadness, and anger. "Never mind. I'm going to bed. Night assholes." I tell them, and head to my room. I close the door, put my pajamas on, and roll into my bed. Not two minutes after Jon walks in with a sad expression. He just takes off his shirt and crawls into bed with his shoes and jeans still on. That must be uncomfortable. "What happened?" I mumble, not really knowing if he'll answer or kill me. "Stuff." Jon replies rudely. "Just because you're pissed at them doesn't mean you can be bitchy with me!" I yell at him as I sit up. I sigh and sit on the edge of his bed. He rolls over so he's facing me and looks straight into my eyes. I just stare back, waiting for him to answer. But he doesn't, he just rolls back over. "I'm gonna go for a bit." I tell him, and stand up. I start for the door, but Jon gets up and stands in my way. "What?" I ask. He still remains silent. "I'm going with you." he finally says. I scoff and roll my eyes. He moves, puts his shirt back on, and opens the door. I throw on a  jacket and step into the hall. We make our way into the living room and the front door. "Don't. Fucking. Move." a voice says behind us. 


Cliff hanger? No? I tried XD Thanks for all the reads! Already over 100 and I just started this book about two weeks ago! Insane! Thanks again :)

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