Chapter 23

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*Del's POV* (Nicole just doesn't get a break u_u)

I listen to the gun fires all around, still attempting to find Nicole. She's fine, just focus on the battle. When it's all over, she'll come out unharmed. I try to convince myself. "And if she's not? Then what?" the creepy voice tells me. I shake my head. "I KNOW SHE'S OKAY!" I yell out, getting Evan's and Tyler's attention since they were closest.

I watch them run over to me, Tyler making it first. He's always been the fastest of us all. He pats my back, also saying she's gonna be fine. I'm glad they understand who I'm talking about. "You know she's not okay." he says again. This time, I just lean against the crate and say "take over. Get Nicole back, please." Just like that, I'm taken into darkness.

*Nicole's POV*

I struggle on the chains that bind me to the pillar. Yep, inside the basement, tied up. Typical. These guys just couldn't be original. I duck my head as I hear the door open, knowing exactly who it is. "Aww, you look so helpless." Sam chuckles. I laugh and shake my head. "Yet, you're the one who can't even play along to get a plan." He kicks me in the jaw, causing the weird feeling in my head come back. "I can get you out of this, back to Delirious." a woman's voice says. I got wide-eyed at the sudden scare.

"Do you promise?" I chuckle darkly. These people are making me insane. "Indeed, I promise." she replies with a dark chuckle in response. I nod and tell Sam "See you in hell", then darkness is filled into my line of vision. (SO MUCH SHIT IS GOIN' ON RN! XD)

*Tyler's POV*

I watch Del fall into the crate, knowing he's let himself go crazy. "I think we should leave this all up to him. Just so none of us get hurt." I tell Evan. He nods and moves away from his friend. I duck behind more crates in attempt to get to the others. I feel a sharp pain go through my arm. I hiss at the burning sensation, but continue on. I reach Brian and tell him the news. He has an earpiece, so he can contact the others. Mine broke on our last heist, and Evan was a smart fuck and forgot his.

Once we all stop the gunfires, so does the other group. "Do you surrender?" one guy yells. I stand up and put my hands up, tricking them.. hopefully. The guys do the same. Once we all hear the darkest chuckle, Delirious gets up and sprays bullets at everyone. We all watch in awe as he kills most of them. He runs into the building, leaving all of us outside.

"Anyone up for a coffee break?" I joke, earning chuckles from everyone. "I brought cards!" Luke yells. I laugh, wondering why he would do that. "How about a game of BullShit?" Evan offers. I nod. I hope Del will be okay.

*Delirious' POV*

I run through the building, checking everyone door I pass by. I walk past a door with a plate on it that reads "Richard Barnes" I open the door, only to have a thousand guns pointed at me. "Drop your weapon." one orders. I shrug and walk away, as if nothing is happening. "DROP YOU FUCKING WEAPONS!" he yells again. I jog back to the room and flip my middle finger up, then disappear again.

I continue walking down the white corridor, in hopes of finding a room that doesn't say "Lab" sometime soon. I make it to the end and growl in annoyance. I turn about a 70 degree angle, only to find Nicole. Looking down with a gun in her hands. "Cole.." I mumble, slowly walking up to her. She turns and smiles at me, then disappears. A man in a fancy suit suddenly shoves me to a wall.

"I think you're seeing things. That's a major sign of insanity." he tells me. "I've always wanted to see what you've looked like. The entire team has been wondering." he says, then grabs the bottom of my mask. I hear a gun shot, and watch the man slowly slid to the floor. I stare at his body, but eventually look up and see her. Beautiful as ever. She smiles at me, just the like other one that disappeared.

I run up to her and wrap my arms around her thin frame. She hugs me back, with a firm grip as well. I feel her hands clutch my shirt, and some sniffles. "I've missed you." she mumbles in my chest. I move my mask above my lips and bring her chin up. She smiles and tiptoes, connecting her lips with mine. I hear someone clear their throat, making us both look up.

"Didn't think you were done, did you?" the guy I shot in the arm earlier chuckles. "I don't know about you, but I think we are." I say, pulling my mask back down. As if right on cue, gunshots from behind the pack of men ring out. We watch the bodies fall, and eventually see the guys. "Thought you'd need a little help." Lui laughs. I grab Nicole's hand and look down at her. She smiles at me, so I smile back.

"I don't know about you, but I am so fucking hungry!" I yell. "Try being in my position!" Cole yells up at me. "I say we head home, and get wasted." Marcel tells us. I nod in approval and begin walking to the front of the warehouse. I stop in the middle of the yard, and put my hand out. Everyone runs to me and piles their hands up as well. "This one should be to Nicole. Unharmed." I tell them.

"1, 2, 3! Nicole!" we all yell in sync. We break the circle and jog back to the vehicles. Once we pile in, we speed away.

*Time skip until they get back to the hideout*

Once we finally make it back to the hideout, I notice Cole asleep on my shoulder. I guess I'm really comfy.. I get up and step out of the van, grabbing her hand to help her get out as well. Once she steps out, I close the door and scoop her into my arms. She rustles a little, but eventually settled down.

Once Evan gets the door unlocked, we pile in and head to our rooms. I think we're all worn out. I walk back to our room and lay her on the bed. Once I get her covered up, I take off my mask and strip of my shirt. After I get some comfy shorts on, I join Cole in bed. Once I get settled, she nuzzles into my chest.

It's official. I will love this woman till the day I die. She's understood things about me that not even the guys do. She gets me, and I love her.

The end.


I hope you guys enjoyed! The song is just for the first part of the chapter!! Can't believe I finished 😂 There will be an epilogue, I won't leave you hanging! Thanks for sticking around and commenting and rating my chapters! I have no negative comments so far, so I think it's a good story! 😂😂 I love you allllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!! ❤💙❤💙❤💙

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