New beginnings

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1 year later.

"New year new me" I smiled at the reflection looking back at me in my vanity mirror.
"Today will be amazing" I told myself, even though you and I both know today was going to be hard as ever. I haven't left my house , I have talked to anyone I haven't even left my bed the entire summer.
I'm going to be honest I do feel bad about never replying to Lizzys texts or phone calls. I must have a few hundred. I just can't talk to her. It's been about four months and I'm still not ready to get into it. I miss him terribly and I don't know what I'm going to do as I'm heading into high school in about 30 minutes.
After my at least 15 minute pep talk I finally decided to get dressed and try to look presentable. I don't even think I've even work anything but pajamas all summer to be real. As I'm blasting my Shawn Mendez through my bedroom I hear my mom calling for me.
"B. B. B" "Get down here, you are going to be late" she grimaced.
I rolled my eyes continuously whilst ignoring her comments. I continued to do my eyeliner and finish up my smokey eye before I headed out the door. Luckily I get to drive myself and don't have to listen to a 30 minute lecture about not smoking and getting pregnant. Don't get me wrong I love my mom but sometimes I need alone time.
7:15 AM
As I'm blaring DJ KHALED throughout my Mercedes I began to cry, but I knew I would have to stop. School would be starting in 5 minutes.
I needed to get it together I told myself.
I pushed the gas and started speeding on the streets of California.
"Pull over. Red Mercedes please pull to the side!" Said from someone behind me. Which not just someone , a cop. Great just what I needed this morning.
I roll down my windows "yes officer?" I said sweetly.
"Mam you do realize it's 60 as the speed limit. You were going 80." He retorted.
"I'm so so sorry officer , I'm almost late for my first day of school here. You see I just moved from..."
he cut me off as he said "young lady that is no excuse you could've killed someone or better yet, yourself."
This was probably a bad decision but I decided to run.
RUN FROM THE COPS , "AM I CRAZY" I asked myself
I don't know if he felt bad for me or they just haven't caught up yet but I have finally arrived at school.
"What a relief" I muttered.
7:23 AM
I knock on the locked classroom door and no longer than 5 seconds I see a tall shadow standing over me. A beautiful one at that. Dark brown hair, crystal blue eyes, and a smile that could kill. I couldn't even speak. "I...i.. I'm looking for class room 34B" I stuttered. He laughed right in my face and continued to say "do you not know how to read ? It's right on the door. 34 B." I looked down at my feet and walked past him completely embarrassed. Uh oh , now I get to face the demon like teacher......great start to the first day.
She grimaced at me and began talking "Take a seat now. Do not speak." I nodded my head and rushed over to the only open see which happens to be next to no other Mr perfect 101. He whispered "you are lucky I'm letting you sit there. that's my girlfriends seat." And I ignored him like I was deaf. He spoke up "I AM TALKING TO YOU." He stated firmly as I looked over to him shy and scared "I'm sorry..." As I went to continue babbling about my mistake I was rudely interrupted by the demon teacher. She yelled "WHOS TALKING BACK THERE" and before I could even explain what was happening he was pointing fingers at me like it was his job. My mouth completely dropped, I felt like I was in the third grade again. This is absolutely ridiculous. I stuttered "I'm sorry mam." As I left the room crying.
My god I wish Liz was here, I miss her so much... I thought to myself as I sat on a bench in the main hallway. I'm ready for this day to be over.
It's like a wish was granted .. Next thing you know I was in my memory foam white princess decorated bed. and no not like Cinderella like the "I'm a princess leave me alone" type bed. I don't know exactly how I got home or why but I'm surely glad I thought before I fell into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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