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_______________________________Title: Mountain Top
I'm at the top of a mountain, the very peak
It's such a beautiful view, I'm so high up I can see far into
the distance, the jagged tops of other mountains, flurries
swirling from the breeze in the wind, it's so natural and
effortless, I can see all of God's creation
I've come so far but I'm only halfway through, I have a
decision to make, one I don't want to have to face,
struggling to wrap my head around the situation, I run
my fingers through my hair, I know He says not to worry
but it's easier said than done
There are wounds inside me, I want to shout out at the
top of my lungs, I'm yearning shelter and affection, I'm
searching for a hero to ride in and save the day, does
anybody hear my cry? Can anybody see me? Does
anybody even know I'm going down today under the
dark shadows, where all the lost and lonely people are
searching hope that's hard to see?
I look back to where I've come from, reminiscing, seeing
each step I've taken and how much I've climbed
Then I look forward in front of me seeing where I have
to go--climb down the mountain but there's a fear of
moving, of going downhill not knowing what will happen,
Not knowing if I want to even continue or just jump offthe top of the mountain and end it all
I'm shaking like a leaf but I manage to take a breath and
move one step off the edge of the mountain top.
____________________Author: So I love this poem in particular, I was going through tough times while writing this, but the good thing is writing makes me feel so much better, and I know God is always here to help me when I need it, and even when I don't deserve it.

The Pen Of Poetry
PoesiaHere is a collection of my poetry and spoken words. Writing is my life, my passion, I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today without it. Enjoy.