Hello! Read this if you would like and if you're feeling even more ambitious comment and vote! Love you all.
_____________Title: Where I'm From
I am from a pen and paper, the words flowing from page to page
I am from boxes, suave soap, and secret places in the house
I am from the back door slamming, anguish, dispute, from having the same blood but not being a real family
I am from thorny roses, the sunflower dying in the backyard garden, unweeded, unwanted, forgotten
I am from Easter at Memas, short tempers, Andrew's, Steele's, and Dement's
I am from loud mouths and early pregnancies
From " I love you, you're special, and there's nothing you can do about it."
And " you're and impudent child."
I am from not saying grace, no attendance of Sunday church service, I had to decide on my own to have a relationship with God, where learning, worshiping, faith and prayer don't just stop when you step foot out of a building, it starts
I am from a worn letter lying on a rustic desk, written but unseen, important but not valued
____________Hi, so I'm not sure how I feel about this one yet so I thought I'd put it up anyways.. Have a blessed day!

The Pen Of Poetry
PoetryHere is a collection of my poetry and spoken words. Writing is my life, my passion, I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today without it. Enjoy.