Me: Okay, I'm gonna warn you.. This poem rocks!
It's like a cry for help, a prayer that I found myself praying last night, last night was probably the hardest night of my life due to a series of unfortunate events, so please pray for me.
____________________________Title: The Encounter
My feet are growing weary
I've been on this path carrying all this weight
for too long now, everything is flying all around me,buzzing
I cover my ears and fall to my knees down
on the earthly ground blocking out
all the sounds and light
I never wanted it to be like this
I would of never guessed all I've been through
but when I look back I see you were always there
so I cry out to you with all I have left
I close my eyes
God,I know I've messed up,my faith was failing,
sometimes I wouldn't believe in you and your promises and I'm truly sorry, help me
Then I listened...
I heard a familiar Father voice
My dear child, I love you so, everything will be okay, I've got this, trust in me always, I've forgiven you, stand up and carry on with your head held high and smile wide because I have placed something special in you, don't let anyone crush your spirit,
my precious, do not fear,you'll be with me forever soon in a place full of peace when your feet touch the sand
I wiped my cheeks,shook off the dust,
whispered a 'thank-you'
and moved one foot forward and then the other...__________
WHAT do you think? Did you love it as much as
Me? Comment and tell me!

The Pen Of Poetry
PoetryHere is a collection of my poetry and spoken words. Writing is my life, my passion, I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today without it. Enjoy.