I feel as if I'm in the desert
The hot sun scorching the surface of the earth
The strong wispy winds blowing sand in all directions, chapping my lips, sore to blisters
My feet feel like bricks picking them up one foot in front and then the other
Growing weary with every second, every meter
Trudging through the land, I don't know where I'm going,
I don't even have a compass to mark which direction I'm facing or which one to turn to,
Not even a map could help me, find me and draw an X to the spot on which I stand
I cannot see my footprints when I look behind me just as quick as I can move my foot the print disappears, because the wind blows the sand over them, never settling in one place
Many hills upon hills are in my view of this treacherous adventure
Just as I think I've reached the top, another sand dune twice as big appears much too far away
The skyline is a broken promise, a dream of where you could be but know you will never reach
I have to put my arm in front of my face as a shield in more ways than one
I bend down and pick up a handful of sand and let it slip through my fingers disappearing into the open space around, freedom I will never obtain
My mouth is so dry I think a cactus would be more appealing
A dust ball swiftly blows with the breeze, which is right around the time I would hear old Western music playing, taunting me just like in the movies, or it's all in my head
There is no water in sight, not even a drop, not now, not ever, not in my perspective
So it only makes me more doubtful I'll survive
Stumbling and out of breath
My skin burned and rough like sandpaper, peeling like a reptile, instantly shooting pain throughout my whole body if touched, as if I'm getting a little taste of hell itself
My designation is unknown
I don't know why I'm here
I don't know what I'm doing
But I know there is a reason for this season
If I cannot see it now I will see it later
Just as in the sand storm I listen to the howl when I cannot see through my own pair of red dry eyes
Even as I'm too tired to move another inch, I'll lie on the bare ground letting it soak up all the energy I have left
I cannot find the strength to stand back up, I'm losing my grip on reality, losing focus from you, but please don't ever let me get that far!
Let me always seek you, and never get off guide, for I know what it's like to fall off of the rustic train and never catch back up, though I know which direction to go because just like the railroad track, you have paved and made a way
I know something will change, I know I will be rescued
I have hope, I put my trust in the man in the sky, the man upstairs
We are supposed to live by faith and not merely on what we see, looks can be deceiving
Our world will change as our perspective changes
We have to keep an encouraging attitude because that is the only string we have full power to play
We are his instruments, oh what a beautiful sound
So even as I travel through this journey with scarce situations, environment, and factors
I will keep on
I will continue for you
In you we have victory and triumph
I will make it through and find my way out of this desert of dry bones
Wow I just wrote this all from the top of my head!! Amazed. Tell me what you think. Have a very blessed day in the Lord! <3

The Pen Of Poetry
PoetryHere is a collection of my poetry and spoken words. Writing is my life, my passion, I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today without it. Enjoy.